How To Get A Girlfriend By Setting High Standards

By Sep Vergouwen

Are you wondering how to get a girlfriend if you're fat? Well, I have good news for you. If you are overweight, then you should not worry about it because still you can get a girlfriend and she doesn't have to be fat as you are. Surely, being slim is a good thing but having awesome personality is even better. Women are more attracted to men's character than their muscular shape. So read on and discover the stunning secrets to get beautiful girlfriends even if you're fat.
[How To Get A Girlfriend]

She, on the other hand, isn't so swayed by looks. She needs somebody with personality, determination, and charisma. She can't tell by looking at you've got these or not. She can't even tell by talking to you, because you can fake a lot of this stuff with practice.That means if you accept her based only on her looks, the first few dates is going to be like a job interview. And she's interviewing you. This doesn't put you in a winning position.

But you can easily flip the switch. How? Keep reading.You need to have just as many requirements, based on her personality, as she does. She's got to have several things about her personality that take a while to find out. You can't accept her based only on a ten minute conversation.Think of going on a job interview. If they only talked to you for five minutes and hired you, you'd think it was a pretty crummy job. Especially if the questions were basic.On the other hand, if you interviewed at a company and you had to go through several interviews, you'd think it was a pretty good company to work for.

This means while you are checking her out, she is checking you out. Now, most guys don't think of it this way. Most guys think that in order to get a girlfriend, you've got to somehow get lucky, or pass her tests, or say the right thing.

When you're single, and sexually frustrated, your mind can play some pretty nasty tricks on you. For one, you might start thinking that you'll never meet somebody. If you aren't careful, this can turn into a vicious, self fulfilling prophecy that will keep you lonely forever.But realize this important fact: There's nothing about reality that is keeping you in your present state. There is no conspiracy among females, the world isn't against you. The Bilderberg group doesn't meet every year in secret to keep you from getting laid.

In fact, I'd lay odds that they don't even know about you. In truth, the vast majority of the world doesn't really care one way or another if you get laid or not.So step one is break out of that mental rut. Stop thinking of all those horrible thoughts. Believe it or not, there's tons of women out there that are just as desperate as you. Sure, they might not all be Victoria's secret models, but who cares?

The flip side of the coin is that because you've got something to offer, you don't need to sit around and wait to be chosen. You don't have to "attract" anybody or use any kind of manipulative tactics. Simply decide, beforehand, what kinds of girls you like. Think of some personality traits beyond just being "hot."

The first step is to decide what you want and to define your purpose. When you create intent suddenly all your interactions have a lot more meaning. I suggest you have an end goal in mind, it might be inviting all the women you meet each week or each month to a party or event of some kind (it doesn't matter how big or small).Then comes the next step, that helps trigger attraction. You want to create social proof. Social proof basically means the social cues that people give each other determine the way people act. So for example if you have several attractive women around you then it is going to make a new woman think it's acceptable to be seen around you and ultimately sleep with you.

Whenever you go out "in the field" make sure to have that card with you. Not because you'll need to take it out and check, just to remind you that when it comes to finding a girlfriend, being attractive isn't good enough. Sure, if she's hot that's a good start. But you've got to talk to her and see if she meets your criteria.

And guess what? While you're talking to her, she'll be doing the same. If it's not a match, no big deal. If it is, great!After a divorce, men should stop and think what lesson was learned from the ordeal. Thoughts may turn to the life skills that might need to be redeveloped and the know how to get a girlfriend may be one of those skill sets that need a little dusting off and rejuvenating. If men stop and think about what is really important regarding getting back into the dating game and attracting beautiful women, it will not be a scary prospect.

The easiest way to get phone numbers and dates if you are just getting started is to just walk up and ask if they are single, then talk for a while and then say you have to go and invite them to a party or social gathering of some kind. Do this with all the women you meet and invite them to the same venue. If you talk to enough women you might want to create two separate nights. They might even bring their friends along which gives you even more women to choose from. You can even tell women that you are looking for that special someone and that if they aren't it you'd love to still be friends and maybe she'll know or bring someone who might fit what you are looking for.

You can use the same technique online and keep it really simple to begin with. You might think it sounds ridiculous to massively stack the odds in your favor like this yet thats probably the very thing that is holding you back. I do it all the time and it works like a charm and massively increases the quality of women you end up dating. Women actually like other women's company so they are usually quiet happy to hang out with other women. People are busy these days and you do not have time to waste trying to find the ideal girlfriend you need to make the most of the time at your disposal.

Women find that irresistible. Especially in an ocean of fakes, you will stand out for sure. Smell nice. Bathe and shave and wear cologne. Just don't empty a bottle over your head. Be subtle about it all. Use a combination so she doesn't know what you are wearing. This will reel her in. If you go Cool Water by Davidoff, yes, you will smell good, but it is too predictable.

The only way to find the bits of advice that works is to get out and ask women for a date. You will no doubt get many no's but that is not the worst that can happen. Being totally ignored is probably the worst that can happen. The more you ask the more yes's you will get.

Most divorced men have no clue how to get a girlfriend. Men put away some of their social skills when they marry, mostly at the behest of the women they marry! After divorce, men have to dust off those skills and jump start that part of their skill set. Women are a lot smarter, socially, than men. Until a guy has his social skill set all revved up and ready to go, they may appear desperate.Women can sense any level of desperation and that is one of women's greatest social skills.To get a great looking woman, don't be a dork, a creep or appear needy. Be the guy that is different. Be the guy that knows the woman social value and will work to be at least a bit higher in social value than the woman. You can do this belief wise.If you follow these 3 items, you will have a ton of women wanting to be their boyfriend.

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