Reprogram Your Mind - How To Always Stay Positive

By Ewald Moors

Positive thinking is not a common virtue among people. Optimism not only helps you be happy, it also provides you with energy to face the challenges that life throws at you everyday. If you are looking for tips to stay positive, this article will give you about 5 ways to do so.The truth is that things get better. No matter how hard a particular day has been for you, always remember that compared to the huge scope that life offers, its significance is less. Thinking about the very fact that everything will get better will help you stay positive all the time. Believe that you will feel better tomorrow or the day after and nothing can get you down. This is a wonderful tip to stay positive.
[How To Stay Positive and Happy]

Whenever you think that your mindset is getting a bit negative, think about the worst things that could happen to you and be grateful that none of it has happened yet.Having a healthy level of self-esteem is another great way of staying positive. You are not going to be a positive person if you don't value yourself. So whenever you are feeling down, think about the things that are amazing about you. For instance, you may have given a great presentation at the office meeting or you may have used your creativity recently. It may be something as simple as cooking a meal that your husband loves. You can also make a list of things that are great about you. It will be the boost you need to stay positive.

Look for the positive in every situation.Lost your job? Perhaps your job loss will help you find the career you've always wanted. Been dumped by your boyfriend? Maybe you're better off without a boyfriend that doesn't appreciate you. Turn a negative into a positive and find the good in bad things that happen to you. Ask yourself what you can take from your bad experiences to turn them into events that make you stronger or a better person. Remember - we can't determine our circumstances, but we can determine how we react to them.

What are you grateful for,Keep a journal of things you are grateful for. Take the time each day to jot down what you have valued from your day or what you are thankful for. Do the same about yourself. What are your personal strengths? What do you like about yourself? Focus on and remind yourself of these reasons to be happy everyday and you're sure to chase those negative vibes away.

Be inspired,There are sure to be people who have experienced the same negative events or circumstances that you might have encountered. If you find your particular experiences hard to deal with, buy a book or audio cassette of someone who has walked in your shoes but overcome their problems. Realize there is always hope in any situation and be inspired to go beyond your circumstances.

Be the bigger person.It's not fun being around a negative person. But just imagine how miserable it must be to be the negative person. They are full of sour emotions and see themselves as the victim of life. They are probably scared and hurting in some way. Anger is one way that many people hide their troubles away from others. Try to be compassionate and give them the benefit of the doubt.

When "Sandy" came and shut off the power in my house, my family quickly came together and prepared for the storm. My mother was ahead of the game and had the materials we needed laid out on the table. Candles were lit. The portable radios were on. The board games and cards were laid out. And of course, there was lots of snacks. My family and I were ready for the storm.

The first point on how to Stay Positive throughout life, or your next storm, is to be PREPARED. "Before anything else, preparation is the key to success." - Alexander Graham Bell. Although my family and I lost power in our house, we did not need to panic because my mother prepared all the materials we will needed to survive through the night and throughout the week. My mother was ready for the storm! In order to stay positive throughout life, you must be prepared for what life has to offer you. You and I both know, life is difficult because there are so many different challenges and obstacles we must overcome on a day to day basis. But ladies and gentlemen, if you prepare for these challenges, you will be ready for action!

Four: The worst thing you can ever do, is to watch all the garbage that is going on in the news, whether it is on the television or in the news paper. It's OK to know what is going on in the world, but don't indulge yourself in it, especially when it is negative. All that does is make you feel worse and think that there is never going to be an end to all the bad stuff happening to you. Instead of listening or reading bad news, read a motivational book, or watch a comedy. You will be surprised at how your feelings will change, when you sit there and laugh until you cry at a funny movie.

The final point on how to Stay Positive throughout life, or your next storm, is to have MIND CONTROL! There are going to be times in your life where it is so bad that you will start to become depressed. Not having heat in your house during the winter could slowly alter your mood and cause frustration. Many people fall to their emotions and remain confused and frustrated about a situation. However, in order to Stay Positive throughout life, you must always keep a positive attitude. You must be able to quickly flipped the switch and look at the bright side of things. You must tell yourself that my cup is not half empty, rather it is overflowing. In order to accomplish this, you must have MIND CONTROL.Here are some tips on how to use mind control during your next storm,Keep with you an object that immediately puts a smile on your face.Collect quotes that brighten up your day.Create a poem or song that you can recite to keep you focused.

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