Time Management Tools: 5 Tips To Manage Your Study Time Better

By Lachlan Haynes

If you struggle to manage your time then you have come to the right place. One of the most difficult things to control and use effectively is your time - because it just keeps ticking away no matter how quickly you work or how much you want it to slow down.

But there are plenty of things you can do to make sure you use your time effectively - and actually save yourself some time in the process. And creating more free time to use as you please is by far the best part of managing your time well.

Tip number one - start using to-do lists. It's far easier to remember what you need to get done by writing it down and then prioritizing the list you create. It's no good just trying to remember everything in your head - you need to start making to-do lists! Make sure when you create the list you create it with very specific actionable steps that you are going to take. For example, don't write "Start Maths homework", but instead write "Do first 3 questions of Maths homework". See the difference? If you have vague items it will only lead to uncertainty about what the task means and further procrastination problems.

Tip number two - actually prioritize your tasks. Going to back to tip one, you should understand which tasks always come first and which tasks can always be put off. Think of them in terms of air, water and food. You can last seconds without air, days without water and weeks without food. So how quickly will you die if you don't do the task? That should help you clear up the priority level of the task and also creep you out a bit.

Tip number three - set your study goals. What are you trying to achieve anyway? Do you even know what your goals are? And if you don't know what you want how will you know when you've achieved it? Seriously, how will you know? Will you just get a vibe or something? When creating a goal you must be specific, measurable, achievable and time-based - otherwise it's not a goal, it's just an idea. For example, "I will have a B average in Maths by the end of First Semester" is a lot better than "I will improve in Maths". When you know what you want you can easily identify those things that are going to help you get there - and those things that are a total waste of your time (i.e. pretty much everything!)

Tip number four - take regular breaks. It seems to make sense that if you work for 5 hours straight you will get 5 hours of work done. But the problem is that after an hour or so your brain will have turned to mush and a quick freshen up is required. So after 5 hours of non-stop study you will probably be in a catatonic state where you thinking running around your house peeing on "your territory" sounds like a good idea. Instead of that, a ten minute break every hour will really help your batteries to recharge and your mind to rejuvenate itself. Go for a walk, have a chat to someone, listen to some music or grab a cup of java, but whatever you do, stay away from the cat bowl!

Tip number five - overcome any tendency to procrastinate. We all do it. Something is due but we can't be bothered so we do nothing. Life's hard. We get it. Everything is hard. We get that too. But if you don't do the work it will catch up with you. So just do it! Get off your butt and get to work. But don't worry about completing the whole thing. If you have to write a paper just write one paragraph - or even one sentence. If you have to complete a worksheet of Maths homework just do the first question. Instead of getting overwhelmed and anxious about having to complete the whole task just make sure that you first get started. It's easier to keep going once you actually start.

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