Tricks To Being More Positive And Releasing Negative Thoughts

By Marina Babenko

You might already know that thinking positive and being optimistic is important for being happy and bringing good things into your life. For many of us, it's a daily struggle to be optimistic and believe that our dreams can come true. Feeling trapped or depressed about our life and circumstances can lead to depression, sadness and the thought that things will never change. Eliminating these negative thought patterns and trying to be optimistic is often very difficult but there are a few things that you can do to get moving in the right direction and become happier in the process.

Chances are that you are confronted with that fear or worry every morning when you wake up. Once the fog of sleep clears, you come face to face with the things that worry you the most. Maybe you hate your job or your love relationship is in shambles. Perhaps you have a mountain of debt that is causing many other problems in your life. Is this the most productive way to begin your day and tackle these troubling issues in your life?

Do yourself a favor and put those negative thoughts on the back burner. Tell yourself that you're not going to focus on the negative things in your life in the morning. Give yourself a break and tell yourself that you will think about the problems in your life later. Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself some time to wake up. The problems will still be there later on during the day and worrying about a solution isn't going to help you become motivated first thing in the morning. Tell yourself that you're not going to even think about the problem until you have had a cup of coffee.

Understanding that you're thoughts aren't very positive is also a trick that you can try with yourself. Recognizing this thought pattern can take some of the power out of it and defuse the damage that it can do. Allowing worry and negative thoughts to run rampant is a waste of time and it's rare that a solution is found when your mind is focused on the problem instead of a solution. After all, it's often someone emotionally removed from the situation that can see the solution so remove yourself emotionally from the burden of worry. Clear your mind and prepare yourself for finding this solution.

Seeing that you're worrying too much can often snap you out of this pattern and enable you to take action when the time is right. Fear is a part of our instinct that keeps us out of trouble but part of that fear instinct causes us to freeze in our tracks. This is the same thing that happens to a wild animal caught in the middle of a highway. Fear can be a powerful emotion that can help us to do amazing things but when it causes us to freeze or become overly worrisome then our life and our dreams will be found dead along the side of the road of life. Relieve yourself of that worry or debilitating fear by thinking off into the future. What will your life be like when you solve this problem? How will it feel to have all of your bills paid and up to date? Will you smile when you have the loving relationship that you want and need? How fast will you spring out of bed when your days are filled with doing some work that you love? Think of these things, close your eyes and experience these emotions whenever you're overcome with worry and fear.

Persistence is the key to eliminating negative thoughts and worry from your life. Not allowing negative thoughts to take up too much of your time and energy while focusing on finding a solution is possible and practical. Those negative thoughts very well might come back but if you are ruthless about recognizing them for what they are. Focus on your life without the problem and you will find that you're happier, healthier and more motivated to change your life.

Allowing yourself to dream and finding a little quite time alone in each and every day is also helpful. No matter what the situation might be, push aside the trouble and fill this time with nothing but dreams of happiness, success and love. Gather photos that bring you joy, listen to some peaceful music playing softly in the background and let yourself live in that time when everything is exactly the way that you want it to be. You deserve to be happy and you have the ability to solve any problem in your life. Your thoughts are the plans for your future and without these thoughts you will remain stuck in your present reality. Allow these methods to become a part of your daily routine. Soon you'll find that you're happier, your problems become smaller and solutions to what formerly seemed overwhelming come to you easily.

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