Can Negative Thoughts Help You To Manifest Your Dreams

By Andrew Tatiana

Have you been told that in order to use the Law of Attraction to its fullest potential you should think positive thoughts about what you want your life to be like. Once you feel sure that you will achieve your goal then your reality will begin to move towards that goal. How can you be positive and optimistic all the time though? What if you feel damaged or filled with doubts and fears? What if your nature simply isn't very positive all the time? Are you relegated to living a life where your dreams won't come true?

It's normal that we doubt. It's normal for some of us to be filled with fear. Some of us simply don't have the time to repair the damage that has been done to us by life yet we still want our lives to change. The fear of success and love and change can consciously and subconsciously overwhelm us. We might fear becoming wealthy because we worry that our friends and family will reject us or use us. We worry about getting our hopes up when it comes to romantic relationships because the rejection from that one person that we truly love would slay our heart. We worry about any and every sort of change until we feel paralyzed with fear and helpless to change or even dream of positive change. What if we tried harnessing that fear and used it to propel us towards our dreams?

When using the Law of Attraction it is often suggested that you focus on your dream and think about it with a lot of emotion. The emotions of love, passion and desire are the emotions that are usually focused on when people talk about the Law of Attraction but isn't fear an emotion? Fear can sometimes be a more powerful emotion than desire for some of us. As a result, those things that we fear the most are often manifested in our life more quickly and sometimes immediately. Fear that something will go wrong at work will often cause the unexplained to happen. Fear that a loved one will leave us will sometimes cause that exact thing to happen. You can probably look back on your life and remember a time when a fear consumed you and that very thing that you were so fearful of happened. This is simply the Law of Attraction at work but instead of positive, optimistic emotions it was fear that was the emotion behind the thought.

Creating a scenario inside our mind where we take a positive goal or dream and wrap it with fear might be a way to use these negative emotions to achieve a positive outcome. Taking that fear that consumes you and seems to be a part of your personality at times can be put to good use. You can control that worry and make it a powerful force to bring about change in your life. If you are tired of struggling with fear and worry then it's only logical that there must be a way to harness it instead of denying it. The struggle can be quite tiresome for some of us.

For example, perhaps you have an elusive goal of falling in love. Maybe you have someone in mind or it could be that your dream is simply that someone wonderful comes into your life and falls in love with you. You want this to happen but history has shown that relationships end poorly for you. In the back of your mind there is constant doubt or fear that you'll be hurt or rejected. This fear becomes so overwhelming that you become emotional and frustrated with trying to have pleasant thoughts about this dream of falling in love.

To turn these negative thoughts in your favor you could create a frightening scenario where the person that you love falls in love with you but you're not ready. Maybe your living situation isn't what you wish it would be. Perhaps you are afraid that once the relationship is in full swing that you won't have time for yourself. Maybe you could worry about the financial ramifications of a romantic relationship and the frustration that might occur if you were in a relationship. Use these fears and worries to put emotion behind your thoughts. Allow those powerful negative emotions to cloud the actual goal so your aren't worrying about the goal so much as the collateral damage that will occur when your dream does become reality.

Even though you might wish that you could be more positive and optimistic about your dreams, there are simply going to be times when worry creeps in. Taking advantage of these emotions instead of fighting against them might be a solution that you can use in such times while still enjoying the pleasant task of visualizing your dreams in a more positive light at other times. Use all your emotions to bring about the changes that you dream of in your life. Fears and doubts will come but embracing them as a part of yourself can be healthy as you heal your soul from past hurts. Using the Law of Attraction and all your feelings very will might bring you the changes and opportunities more quickly when you step outside of the box and try leveraging fear and doubt to your advantage.

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