Get What You Want Through Manifesting

By Steven Jones

Haven't all of us asked ourselves, "If there is a God, or Angels, then why don't they answer when I request guidance? Why don't they speak up? I believe that they actually respond. Though we've not been properly trained, we still prefer responses we can see and hear. Living on this planet, the planet of comparison, things are an either/or. You are white; I'm black.

What you and I cannot notice, because we are aligned in the physical, is there is a much bigger non-physical world. We merely make use of our imagination. Our quantum physicists explain that our DNA, (that I was schooled to think was the script for the way we look and how the body behaves physically,) includes programming which 5% or less handles our physical body and the other 95% relates to our spiritual (non-physical) section of us.

Whenever asking, ask like it has happened already. We don't want to wait around. We want answers now. We sometimes believe that we are seeking very simple things and we fail to remember that everything occurs for a good reason. Perhaps there is a very important reason why we're undergoing these things today. What if losing something or somebody very important will actually lead to something more desirable? What if our struggles can make us better? Or give us an opportunity to help? Or permit us to greatly improve? Or make us stronger? What if we lose individuals who are important to us since they have already served their goal in this world?

What if everything we were shown is a partial truth and there's a lot more to learn? And what if we will discover that we actually have control over our lives. However, we're not The One who manifests. We simply keep the space. The next occasion you ask for what you desire, try "this or anything better," or "for the highest good of all concerned."

Once you've set your goal by requesting what you want from the God Source, your Angels, or from whatever form of deity you choose to focus on, it's time to act. The lack of physical action, in spite of all of your intentions, will not take you anywhere. Asking without taking action is totally worthless. You must expect and act as if you already have what you're anticipating. You need to get off the couch, switch off the TV, and move, all the while allowing the Universe to assist you.

Next, convey what you want at this time as if you already have it. Next think about the finished picture. Stay positive when utilizing your thoughts. You need to really feel it, accept it, know it is already done while moving forward pursuing your goal. Do not forget to really feel the excitement of every single second.

The final stage is expressing loudly to yourself or writing what it is you look forward to generate as if it's already transpired. You need to have an optimistic mindset and know that if you don't get hold of whatever you want even after a while, then perhaps your timing is not right, you are going to do something that is perfect for other people, or you are about to learn a lesson and your time will merely arrive.

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