Natural Skin Care Tips

By Maria M. Moller

You may have heard that organic argan oil for skin care is a wonderful concoction that works wonders. This is not a mere speculation as the oil has proven its worth for over thirty centuries past. The beauty oil is native to Morocco where its source, the argan tree, is exclusively found. The Moroccan people enjoyed the potency of this oil for centuries not only on their skin but also for their entire body. Argan oil gives the skin a radiant look so people who have used it often call it the "Liquid Gold".[
[Natural Skin Care]

The Secrets To The Potency Of Organic Argan Oil.The reason behind this is simple - it gives people extraordinarily healthy skin because of the health giving nutrients that nature endowed it. Its benefits include but are not limited to:Argan oil contains many antioxidants that promote good health. One good example of these antioxidants is Vitamin E. It works to make it easier for the skin to bind with water and it also fights free radicals that can potentially harm your system. The skin, in turn, becomes capable of holding more moisture to keep it elastic. The amazing fact is that this oil contains twice or even three times the amount of Vitamin E that olive oil does.

Enzymes in the pineapple gently remove the top layer of old skin and olive oil contains the well-known skin supplement vitamin E to restore a smooth, supple surface.Blend in a blender 4 pieces of pineapple and 3 tablespoons Extra Virgin olive oil to make a smooth paste.Leave on time is 15 minutes then wash off with water only.Banish Blackheads - Quickly and Easily.Blackheads definitely don't look good and since we know they're the result of blocked pores we gotta get 'em cleaned out. Here are two classic cleansers that can be used regularly to keep your blackhead-prone areas clear.

Although natural lotion alone is not enough to have great skin, without it you're pretty much going to miss the boat. No matter what other steps you take, you can't get rid of harsh weather conditions or the chemicals that pollute the air, and our skin. A good natural lotion for dry skin protects against the elements, prevents moisture loss while still allowing the skin to breath, reduces the absorption of toxins, and is free of toxic chemicals (some skin care ingredients are even worse than chemical pollutants.)

A wonderful skin treatment, it gives you all those benefits and a lot more. It is equally effective on your hair and even your nails. Consider using argan oil for skin care if you have wrinkles, scars and other skin problems that you want to be taken care of. Results of this great oil can be so overwhelming even if you use just a few drops of it everyday.If your blessed with the perfect look then consider yourself very lucky. Many of us have to work at it more than others. Fortunately, there are many very inexpensive ingredients that will help everyone look good and have beautiful skin. If we're going to use natural ingredients for our skin care regimen, then we should be totally aware of our skin type and thus not end up using the wrong natural skin care products. Here are some great tips for various skin types as well as recipes for face masks.Skin care tips for normal skin.If you happen to be one of the lucky ones who have normal skin then count your blessings. This group hardly has any skin care problems and usually have that flawless look others admire. All you have to do is make sure to eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water and get regular exercise. Another suggestion is to cleanse your face with soap and water and add a little rose water. Rose water helps to maintain your skin tone and also ensures that dirt and dust is washed away What's the point of skin toning if you have normal skin? Well, irrespective of whatever tone of skin you may have, rose water helps enlarge pores and eliminates that orange peel look every time you wash your face.

While the water is boiling grind 2 tablespoons of oatmeal (rolled oats) in a clean coffee grinder. If you don't have a coffee grinder break apart the oats into smaller pieces using your fingertips.Combine 2 tablespoons of the parsley water to the 2 tablespoons crushed oats to make a paste.Add the egg white, mix into a paste and apply to your face for 10 minutes.

Ideas and Recipes for Face Masks.Carrot Mask - Grate a carrot and mix it with one teaspoon of honey. Leave on your face for around 15 minutes and with regular use, it will surely bring about a change.Pineapple mash - Mash a pineapple slice and mix it with some lemon juice then, mix that with wheat flour. Use it on your face and neck area then scrub it off after a while. You will notice how smooth your skin is.Lemon-Egg Mixture - Beat an egg white and store it in the freezer for 15 minutes. When the time is up add lemon juice and a grated tomato to your cooled off egg whites. Lemon and egg have a wonderful softening quality so if you do this for a month, you'll notice how soft your skin becomes.Guava ,For a more glowing look, smash a guava and stir it with an oatmeal and lemon juice mixture.Spinach - Try a cup of raw pureed spinach with one spoon of fresh cream. Apply to the face.

The Radical Radish - A grated radish with a spoon of vinegar, one spoon of lemon juice and one spoon of honey and mix well. Put them in distilled water and let steep like a tea then wash your face regularly with this mixture.Honey potato - Mix a spoon of honey with an egg white and grated potato.Make a paste of orange peel and rose water. Apply the combination on the skin. This will make you're skin glow.Gently massage an egg white and honey face mask It will eliminate tan from the face.Cleansing with cucumber adds glow to the skin. Mixing cucumber juice with milk, you get a wonderful cleanser.

The avocado's delivers moisture that's rich in vitamins B and E.Absorb Away Oily Skin.Use this treatment twice a week to clean your skin and remove excess while maintaining healthy moisture levels.Mix into a paste an egg yolk, a 1/2 cup of oatmeal and 2 Tablespoons each of honey and olive oil.Apply to face and leave on for 20 minutes.The honey cleans and is naturally antibacterial, the oatmeal absorbs dirt and oil and the olive oil ensures healthful moisture is maintained.Lighten Spots And Even Out Melasma Patches.A natural home remedy for skin that's uneven in color is to take half a cup of fresh mashed papaya and mix with 2 Tablespoons of honey.

The use of specialised ingredients such as marine collagens, bee venom, and vitamins and minerals are being included in natural skin care ranges added in bases that can easily be absorbed by the skin and so now we are seeing a difference. These products are now not only pleasant to use but they will plump up skin, stimulate collagen and elastin production and as a result will reduce fine lines and make the skin look brighter and firmer. Generally the best of both worlds.So remember if it smells nice, step away from the cosmetic, and where possible use a natural product that incorporates active ingredients such as bee venom, marine collagens and vitamins and minerals.

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