How To Become An Early Riser in 4 Steps

People who wake up early are usually people who are motivated to get things done; people who can't wait to start, work on, or finish projects in a speedy and efficient manner. Imagine how great it would feel to get half of your to-do list checked off before most people get out of bed. Imagine having more time to spend on hobbies, with your family, for personal relaxation or meditation. These are all wonderful reasons to become an early riser but how the heck do you do it? These four steps will get you up and out of bed with the sunrise in no time.

Step 1: Plan your morning the night before. This is incredibly easy to do and something most people skip. They think once they can achieve waking up early that they will magically have enough motivation to decide on the spot how to best utilize their time. It's not going to happen. Trying to decide what to do when you're tired is a losing battle; you'll most likely opt for sleep.
What you can do instead is right before bed, write a list of goals you'd like to accomplish for the following day, make sure your surroundings (including the dishes in the sink) are clean so they don't distract you in the morning, and roughly plan what you'll be making for breakfast.
Step 2: Set your alarm and put it far from your bed. This one is crucial. It's very easy to reach out and hit the snooze button almost unconsciously, so keeping your alarm clock in a place that forces you to get completely out of bed is almost mandatory. It's harder to go back to sleep once your body is annoyed at having to get up and wrestle the blaring alarm.
Step 3: Exercise. Getting your blood pumping and your body moving is the best way to force it to wake up. Try jumping out of bed to perform 10 or so jumping jacks or push-ups and I dare you to go back to sleep after.
Step 4: Eat a hearty breakfast. Who isn't motivated by food? By planning a tasty breakfast your body will thank you with bursts of energy after that bit of exercise you performed.
That's it. These are the most essential steps in waking up early and getting things done. You'll be an early riser in days rather than struggling for weeks without progress.
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