How to Start Changing Your Life - Do You Have Attitude Or Platitude?

A favourite expression of mine is `We can all do and be more than we are if we truly want to be` The last part is the key factor. Another phrase I like is `If you do what you`ve always done then you will get what you`ve always got.`
The common factor between these two phrases is ATTITUDE. We all have `attitude` be it good, bad or indifferent and we all have it at different times. We are not however born with `attitude`; we learn and adopt styles of attitude as we grow up from parents, friends etc. We can also UNlearn attitudes and FREE ourselves to be more than we were.
We cannot change what has already happened but we do have the CHOICE of how we react to each new day and situation.
Life and work is not so much what happened to us but how we react to it because we are in control of our attitude.
Visualisation plays a huge part in changing our attitude. If we say `I can`t do that` or `I never was any good at this` then guess what - you never will be! The only consolation is that you were right all along.
On the other hand if you start to visualise yourself in a successful situation, how it looks, feels and smells then sooner or later you will be successful. Not all of the time perhaps but no-one is successful 100% of the time, that would become boring. Your overall success rate will however improve because your sub-conscious mind eventually believes what you are telling it and transfers this attitude to the conscious, everyday mind.
In a very loose way imagine if you will your sub-conscious and your conscious minds as being like a pc. The conscious mind is rather like the monitor, you can pull images from the internet but these images are`nt REALLY what is running the pc. The pc hard drive is what is really running the show.
If you now imagine your sub-conscious in place of the hard drive you can see how important it is to have the right, positive, information imprinted on YOUR hard drive before you can change what is shown on your monitor (your conscious mind).
THE priority is to imprint thoughts of success into your sub-conscious FIRST, everythng else will then become simpler to implement. It`s all a question of how we arrange our thoughts.
Copyright Lawrence Nelson 2008
Lawrence Nelson is a Life Coach and affiliate marketer with a keen interest in training. For more information about personal development via e-mail newsletter and virtual affiliate training visit and follow the link.

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