How To Start Your Day In A Positive Way

It's a new dawn, a new day, a clean slate so to speak.
You CAN start your day in a positive way!
Whatever happened yesterday is in the past. A brand new day that holds promise, new possibilities, and new insights on ways to do or think about things is unfolding before you.

A new day offers an opportunity to readjust your attitude and embrace a new beginning.
Yesterday is over but today starts anew and is waiting just for you.
Before going to bed, or when you wake up, take out a piece of paper and on the top of the page write the words, "Today I will... "
Allow your imagination, excitement, anticipation, creativity, vision, and love to soar.
Here are some of the ways I like to start my days:
Today I will...
Look in the mirror and say, "Good morning; I love you", and then appreciate something about myself.
No matter what, I will try and remain positive, calm, and centered. (victorious)
Do my best to be my best.
Not judge myself and others. If I do, then I ask myself what else I can think or say that would be constructive.
Adjust my attitude when need be and see things from a different perspective.
Smile often.
Laugh more.
Hug someone.
Sing, hum, whistle, or dance.
Stretch physically, emotionally, spiritually, professionally, and personally.
Really listen when someone is talking and be curious and interested in what he/she is saying.
Tell someone I appreciate he/she, the job he/she is doing, or say something kind or positive.
Learn something new about myself, another person, or anything at all.
Enjoy the simple pleasures in my day. A cup of tea, my meals, the sun, a song, etc.
Not take for granted who or what is in my life today.
Be kind to myself and others.
Take a step towards forgiveness if I'm holding onto anger, hurt, or resentment towards others or myself.
Slow down. Pause as often as possible, take a look around, check in with myself or others. How am I or are they doing?
Lend a helping hand where I can.
Enjoy something in nature.
Take some deep breaths and relax.
Drop my expectation of how things "should be", and go with the flow of how things are.
Love myself and others.
Face my fears the best I can.
Feel and be confident.
Open my heart.
Listen to the quiet voice inside me that knows what I need to do or not do.
Believe in myself and others.
Have hope that today holds the promise of great things and of being the best day of my life; even if it feels like the worst.
Imagine the possibilities in tough situations.
Enjoy as many moments during the day as I can.
At the end of the day, write down the things I am grateful for today.
You can start your day in a positive way by reminding yourself of what is important for you.
You may want to re-read your intentions a couple of times during the day, as it helps keep your focus on what's important.
Your day may not always be rosy. In fact, some days may have a few thorns, but that doesn't mean that what you have intended cant still be followed through the best you can.
Often when you do shift your thinking or way of doing things, things change. If nothing else, you are being proactive as opposed to being passive or pessimistic.
Today could be the best day of your life; you just never know. You certainly will be more open to receiving positive outcomes if you believe it's possible and are working towards that.
Enjoy the day the best you can because you don't know if there will be a tomorrow.
The Insight Technique assists you in seeing how your days could be different and then experiencing them in a new way.
Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique&trade.
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Kimberley is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy and Polarity Therapy. She founded the Insight Technique™ - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in transforming limiting mindsets.
Soar through the limiting beliefs holding you back and experience the freedom of unlimited possibilities.

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