What Steve Jobs and Apple Can Teach Us About Organizing

I think I can safely say that my family is an Apple family. We all have iPhones, iPads; I use a Mac desktop computer and recently purchased a Mac Air laptop. We only have one PC left in our home and when that is ready to be replaced, it will most likely be replaced with an Apple product. When I stop to think about why we have become such a huge Apple family, it actually doesn't surprise me.
The late Steve Jobs had a very clear vision as to what he wanted the Apple name and products to represent. I have found that my personal philosophies in life and business are very similar to some of Apple's philosophies. There are two specific Apple philosophies that have a LOT to do with the organizing industry.
Apple Philosophy #1 - Apple Store

The late CEO Steve Jobs spent two years testing every detail of the stores. His goal was to have stores be as clutter-free as possible because clutter equals stress.
This specific Apple philosophy rings true with organizing. Whether it is a personal space, a workspace, a specific room or an entire home. Knowing where things are, and how much you have, will give you peace of mind to let you spend time on the things you enjoy. Experts say getting rid of clutter gives you the endorphin high that runners get, which makes you feel lighter, invigorated, and more optimistic.
Apple Philosophy #2 - Apple Employees

Apple Store employees must stay positive. You might be wondering how this relates to organizing. Here's how it does: when you are faced with a challenge (a time challenge, a clutter challenge, etc.), it's easy to talk yourself out of dealing with it.
Thoughts like,
"I just don't even know where to start?"
"How did we get to this point?"
"I have no idea what/how to change to make this better?"
The late Steve Jobs knew exactly what he was doing when he created the Apple brand. When the average Apple Store earns more money per square foot than stores like Tiffany, Coach, and Best Buy combined, there clearly is a strong vision.can stop you dead in your tracks. That type of negative thinking will get you nowhere. Can you imagine if you worked with an organizer who was negative? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't get anything accomplished. When organizing, it's important to stay positive! The fact is that a disorganized, cluttered space did not get that way in one day. Cleaning it up and coming up with an organizing plan and strategy will not take one day either. It's a process - which takes time. The key to dealing with clutter is to take it a step at a time, remaining positive along the way. Each step you take to get rid of the clutter is a step forward!
The question now is, what is the vision for your space and time?
Sheri Bruneau is the owner of Get It Together Inc. To sign up for Sheri's monthly newsletter, please visit http://www.gityyc.com.

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