Daily Inspirational Quotes - Start Each Day With Inspiring Quotes

By Marie M. Clarke

Henry Ford had said that we are always right when we think whether we can or we can not. Thus, our attitude becomes the mental filter and through it we experience the world. When this filter is made up of optimism we see great many opportunities spread before us, can concentrate on the solutions, look for the good in others, and always count our blessings but when the filter is made up of pessimism the opportunities seem vanishing one by one before our eyes and we find ourselves helpless, often dwell on problems only, always find fault in others, and focus on what is missing.
[Motivational Quotes]

So, this attitude becomes ultimately our window to the world. When we are unable to understand what attitude we are carrying we must take counsel of the wise people of our world because selecting a good attitude among old motivational quotes is like inventing a new us.

Your fears are not about the depression of 1933, or about the Second World War, which many people think Roosevelt was referring to. Whatever your fears, it is inspirational to be reminded that fear, especially the formless fear of the unknown, is the true enemy of living a joyful and productive life. As another example, consider Helen Keller's words, "Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing." Helen Keller overcame being deaf and blind from the age of 19 months to become an author and social activist. In that context, the quote has an extra "wow" factor - that someone bearing those burdens could still speak of an ideal life as a daring adventure. Nonetheless, as an inspirational quote to guide your own life, Keller's words, independent of their context, are a powerful reminder to focus on the big picture - what you came here to do.

There is often disagreement over the source of an inspirational quote. For example, Martin Luther King Jr. may or may not have said, ""Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." Mark Twain quite likely did not say, "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do." Does it make an inspirational quote less meaningful or less inspirational because the author is unknown? For me, the value of inspirational quotes is mostly in the words, and how I can apply them to my own life, rather than in historical context. I find the Faith quote and the Twenty Years quote to be two of the most inspiring and motivating quotes I have found - whoever their authors may have been.

You can place sticky notes with quotes you find inspiring on your desk at your workplace and at home. This is a good way to utilize them on a daily basis. Place them in strategic locations within easy view. This will serve as a constant reminder to continue working towards your goals.Another way that motivational quotes can help us to gain motivation is to say them out loud, and write them down. More and more people are keeping a record of motivational quotes, and some maintain scrapbooks filled with these quotes in order to stay motivated.

No one in this world gets the bed of roses always. Many devastating things may happen to us. We may have to endure many sufferings. We all face tough times in our life. But our response to all these will determine our attitude and the good thing is that we have the right to choose the right attitude though it may not seem easy. We can get the needed inspiration from the motivational quotes and start to live our life as always we have dreamed about. Let the light come inside our window and we can use these empowering principles to reach our full potential, earn more money, increase our spiritual awareness, and have more satisfying relationships.

Motivational quotes became very fashionable when the internet really took off, and people would use them as signatures in their posts on forums, or as signatures in their emails. A lot of quotes can be really effective, but there is also a real case of overkill, and a sense that using a someone else's words in your email or as any sort of tag line nowadays almost makes you look a bit cheap.

One of the other problems with motivational quotes is that everyone has heard them nowadays. There was a time when most of this stuff was original, but due to the speed of how things progress on the internet, most of the really good quotes are vastly overplayed, and seriously overuse.I think part of the reason is that a motivational quote sort of says something indirectly, or by implication that is more powerful, because it is describing something that you cant really put into words, rather liker parables.

But you won't make any sales. It won't get customers through the door, it won't get them interested in investing their time and money with you, and it won't put profits in your bank account.And that's why you're in business, isn't it? Or are you in it just for the fun of it (and the "likes" and inane but oh-so-supportive and w00ty comments)? See, there's nothing wrong with wasting time with "activity" if that's what you want to do. It's your life. It's up to you.But a lot of business owners fool themselves into thinking "activity" is the same as "achievement", and it's not. Get onto Facebook and before you know it, you've lost a whole evening of your life (it's the only life you're ever going to get, and every second wasted is a second you will never, ever get back).And trust me, you cannot put Facebook "likes" on the table and eat them.So I know what the smart money's on, and it's not on the chances of you making money from the next endorphin-rush you get with those quotes, no matter how motivational they may be.Nothing, I repeat nothing gets things done like taking action does.Look entrepreneurial success really does not have to be a struggle.But it can be, if you don't know the easy way to do it. Jon McCulloch is perhaps Europe's top direct response marketing expert (and he's definitely the most irreverent and Non-PC one you'll ever meet).

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