Discovering The Science Of Getting Rich

By Elisabeth W. Goldsmith

To be rich is definitely not easy. However, that doesn't mean that to be rich is unattainable. The power, glamor, and fame of being rich are within reach provided that we would take the initiative to discover how it is to be rich. The laws of success would tell us that big things start from small beginnings. A difference in our lives shall emanate from doing things gradually but surely.The possession of wealth such as money and property results from our ways of doing things in a certain manner. One of the secrets to get rich is to learn how to do things in certain ways. That is to be sure that what you are doing is proper and are in connection to your definite aim. This certain ways of doing things would allow you to invest and focus your time as well as effort not only to a small number of things but to a lot of ways by which you get rich.
[The 11 forgotten laws]

The SGR seminar is a comprehensive training system that aims to explain principles of Wattles and encourages everyone to incorporate them in their daily lives. The seminar also includes audio, written, and live seminar formats to help individuals learn, employ and master these incredibly simple but important principles of wealth creation. What makes this seminar more striking is its in-built vehicle that enables participants to make money through an affiliate program. The seminar therefore not only empowers individuals with the knowledge to become rich but also provides means to extend their income. The seminar therefore is a unique amalgamation of original concepts by Wattles and expertise of masterminds like Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and Michael Beckwith, and Rhonda Byrne.Have you read the Science of Getting Rich but feel a little stuck with what to do next to bring about the financial changes you would like to see? Maybe you feel you would like a more modern take on this old classic.... This will help... read on....

When I first read this book I thought about creative ways to make money other than by making money in a job. Using the word creative initially made me think of the arts, writing books and other similar services. I have a different take on this now which I feel will help you, it helped me! When you think about creative ways of making money and getting rich think about being of service to others. In simple terms creating something which will be of use to others.

What does it mean to you and me today? I have read at least one thousand self-help and personal development books, and even written one. I haven't found the first one which does not discuss the importance of your thoughts and how you think, the habits you form, and the actions you take.Just for fun, Google "The Science of Getting Rich", and find the free download. Not only will you find good reading, you'll also be introduced to other benefits. Sign up for them, there is much to learn, fun to be had, and fortunes to be made. Enjoy!Deep down, I believe that for most people, becoming all you want to be is one of our ultimate goals. We all want to know that we have made a mark on the world, and that we have truly lived life.

I speak from personal experience here ~ after 14 years in the corporate world I followed my dreams and started my own personal development business. For me being in service, helping others and making a positive difference around the world gives me the true riches in life. The fact that I am creating financial freedom from doing this is just a wonderful bonus:). I think it is about time that we were totally honest with ourselves regards learning all the stuff that is available to make us rich, make us happy, make us more aware how to use the Law of Attraction etc. It seems we follow the really successful gurus who have made these teachings work for them and have had meteoric success from day one. Now although this is good sales publicity, it is not what happens for 99% of the people who try to learn.We can also get sucked into following someone who has read a book and has the flair to create adverts and sales product to entice us into there fantastic new fail proof method.

When Visualization and Affirmations Don't Work.There is a science to visualization and affirmations that most people don't get. You can add mental and spiritual power towards your visualization and affirmations to increase its power. Many of those techniques are quite ancient and practiced in many mystery schools. Few people take the time to go beyond the basics of the law of attraction to learn those powerful techniques that get astounding results.There is a Science to Everything in Nature.To master life you must learn the rules and the law of attraction as well as the development of the mind is crucial to living a successful life. If you find yourself failing again and again it is because you have not dedicated yourself to fully understanding the right techniques to getting results.It's not enough to just know about the law of attraction. It's not enough to just think positive thoughts. The real science of attraction requires a rhythm and technique that few people understand. Those who know it use it to create an amazing life.Most people are led to believe they are powerless when it comes to their financial prospects or any other influential aspect of their lives. While many feel it is their lot to labor as wage slaves, others are frustrated in their attempts at beginning a business enterprise by what they might characterize as bad market forces. It probably hasn't occurred to them that they may possess the power necessary to sculpt the world around them through the power of thought. Surprisingly enough, there is scientific evidence from various disciplines such as botany, physics and computer science that support this conclusion.

Since the discovery of the dual nature of light in 1803, physicists searched for an explanation. From 1900 onward, scientists predicted that the probability of real, physical outcomes is based upon probabilities at the sub-atomic or quantum level. Moreover, it was found the act of observation itself not only may change the outcome, but is, in fact, required for any one of infinite possibilities to come true - some are just more likely than others.When the "many worlds" theory was introduced in the late 1950s, it was predicted that each and every decision at the sub-atomic level comes true, creating an entire universe where history unfolds differently. Just a few years later, the notion of all matter being connected on some fundamental level was laid out. This "entanglement" of particle pairs gives rise to "spooky action at a distance, as theorized by Einstein a half century earlier.

I have made these teachings work for me and I have helped countless people over the years and I believe my main strength is understanding that you will keep hitting a brick wall and thinking that things are not working and you are doing something wrong.Do not worry there is nothing wrong with you and these setbacks are all part of the journey. Fortunately knowing that they will occur and accepting them as part of the learning curve does help.

Every time you falter and then get back on track, will give you the strength to keep going. Each time you get started again gives you a greater understanding and each time you will not fall as far.The purpose of this article is to let you know that you are normal if you do find these teachings difficult to learn and apply, and to make sure that you find someone to help you that has had experience in coping with the problems encountered on the journey to understanding.Let me tell you that these teachings are really powerful, they do work but it does take time to learn and understand them.

For example, the "Law of Cause and Effect" says that "for every action there is an equal and corresponding reaction." This means that every time we take action in a specific way, the outcome will be a certain thing. If you want to succeed, you need to know the rules. Apply those rules to get the results you want.The first step toward greater opportunity is to be all you want to be when each opportunity presents itself.We all get presented with new opportunities every day for growth and for achievement, to advance ourselves. It is imperative that you develop the right skills for what you want to do so that when these opportunities come along you may take advantage of them. Commit to growing and developing the skills you need to become what you want to become and do what you want to do. You will succeed.

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