Are You Practising The Law Of Attraction

By David A. Gonzalez

Scientists and theorists who have studied the law of attraction have come to the evident conclusion that energy attracts energy of a similar frequency.It's important to understand that everything is comprised of energy without energy the universe itself would not and could not exist! Every single one of us is constantly radiating energy into space, even when we sleep, the frequency and level of that energy though depends on the person's spirit or to put it better the "vibe" they're giving off.
[Law of attraction]

Two recent popular books promoting law of attraction are The Secret (2007) by Rhonda Byrne, and Esther and Jerry Hick's book Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness (New York Times Best Seller list Aug 2008). The Secret reveals how you can change every aspect of your life. You can turn any weakness or suffering into strength, power, unlimited abundance, health and joy. The book Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness presents the teaching of the non-physical consciousness named Abraham. The book explains that the two subjects most chronically affected by the powerful law of attraction are financial and physical well-being. Both books offer very unique reasons to think positively and teach that we have the power to change our lives for the better.

Although we are unaware of the influence our subconscious mind has on us, it is directly influencing our conscious mind so when your vibes aren't in alignment with the other person you'll immediately get the signal of bad vibes from your conscious mind.You certainly don't need any psychic abilities or such like in order to pick up on the vibes that others are radiating, everyone is picking up these vibes on a subconscious level whether they are aware of it or not. We are always being influenced and stimulated by these vibes.This is how the Law of Attraction works, remember everything is energy or "vibes" and has a frequency so the vibes you're transmitting are drawing the same vibes back to you. Similar to the example above except the energy that the universe is comprised of is responding to the energy you're radiating.

Give off negative vibes and the universe will respond with equal negative vibes, give off positive vibes and the universe will respond with equal positive vibes.Remember these vibes are mostly transmitted and received on a subconscious level, the human mind truly is a remarkable tool with infinite potential once unleashed, where-ever the mind travels the body will surely follow.I hope that wasn't to scientific for you, I could have gone a lot deeper but most people will just throw claims out there of thinking positively to attract back that which you desire without giving good reasoning.YES, this is true that positive thoughts and beliefs will naturally attract the same back to you but now you know the underlying principle behind how the Law of Attraction works, so put it to use and start manifesting your dreams.

There are a lot of different factors which need to be considered when you're applying the law of attraction, way to many to cover in this one article alone! However I want to cover the first and most important step in using the law of attraction before covering three proven techniques on how to use the law of attraction more effectively. This is quite difficult for most to accept which is why they struggle to make the law of attraction work for them properly! Take some time to think about it. Do you allow past events and people to affect your way of thinking today still?

Think about what it is you truly believe. Do your thoughts lack when it comes to what you desire? These doubtful thoughts can be from how you grew up and can keep you from attaining the life that you want. Discover the thoughts that could be keeping you from "full" belief in the law of attraction and from your best life.Be grateful for the things you have and you will attract more of them. Use your imagination to "literally" start seeing yourself already having what you want. When you accept all possibilities your subconscious mind has nothing to resist and becomes free to accept the new choice you are presenting it with. Make peace with all that is happening to you and accept the rewards that come your way.

You need to use the law of attraction in a way that you can become a better and more confident person so that you can break yourself out of the trance and need to use food as a support system. Food can never be a true support system, however, if you learn how to work on yourself from the inside out, you will be able to find self-control and self discipline and start making healthy choices. You will need to use every step of the law of attraction to help you to get to a good place inside.

The first step to the law of attraction says that you need to ask yourself what it is that you would like to do or have. Then you must ask the universe or even yourself for it. This means that you may not have to wish for discipline to eat healthy, but you will want to ask for something that will be working on yourself. Then you will need to think about all that it means. This means that it is going to affect your diet, your workouts, your personal strength and goals. When you ask for strength to change yourself from the inside out, you are making a decision that will affect several things in your life.You will find that there is a lot to the second step of the law of attraction and this is where you will find your success mostly. You will need to banish all the negative energy that surrounds you and learn how to embrace a positive energy.

Example: when I quit smoking many years ago, I used Aversion Therapy to notice all the icky things I didn't like about that nasty habit. The smell on my clothes and in my hair, the money I literally burned up each time I bought cigarettes, how short of breath I was becoming and my increasing predisposition to bronchitis. I used The Law of Attraction to magnetize me to what I wanted - better health, the ability to breathe freely, more money, and to smell better! It worked super good and to this day I have no desire for a cigarette.As Esther Hicks/Abraham says, "You were given two emotions. You call them many things - anger, fear, joy, happiness - but there are only two. One feels good and one feels bad." We were given these two feelings for use as our guidance system.Power up your manifesting and create what you want faster. Use Aversion Therapy to propel you away from what doesn't feel good and which you don't want. Use The Law of Attraction to attract to you what does feel good and what you do want.

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