Interviews With Successful People - Raphael Yadgaroff - Krav Maga Instructor

By Dana B. Thompson

Krav Maga mainly focuses on self-defence. It was designed in such a way so that the teaching part can be done quickly, and both trainers and trainees do not have to invest a lot amount of time. This is still used by Israeli forces. This technique makes one efficient in self defense skills which is based on natural movements of the body and can be used in everyday's life, and it helps to deal with attack in the fastest and effective manner. This technique got its origin from street-fighting skills and with time it got refined for civilian, police and military applications.
[Krav Maga Classes]

Raphael is an Instructor based in the Kent area. Periodically he holds classes and seminars in Canterbury and Whitstable, and he has also been able to travel to other areas in Kent.Raphael began his martial arts training at the age of eight by taking up Shotokan Karate for three years. When he started these trainings at the age of 16, he decided to back up the knowledge he had acquired with other martial arts. Currently, he has trained in Jui Jitsu, Nin Jitsu, Muay Thai and Chinese Freestyle Kickboxing, Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), Brazillian Jui Jitsu (BJJ), Shoalin Kung Fu and S.P.E.A.R. (Spontaneous, Protection, Enabling, Accelerated, Response) System.

It's Training classes provide training on a variety of fight patterns that will prove to be highly effective while fighting your enemy. The training classes give specialized training on various self defense tactics against common attack types like choke holds, arm grabs and bear hugs. It also teaches the basics of fighting, for example, identifying the vulnerable areas of the enemy and attacking that part of the enemy's body. Further training is given on competitive handling of weapons such as guns, knives and sticks.

What Motivated You To Study Martial Arts?I started Krav when I was about 15 or 16. Basically I just decided that I would get some training in and learn to fight. I got into a fight in Primrose Hill in London, and I realised I had no clue what I was doing. I found out that my biology teacher was an instructor, so I spoke to him and started a class. It went pretty well from there. I found I had a natural talent for it.Why Krav Maga? Well, it was a system that he taught, and I also looked into it after that. It looked like a very good system to work with, a reality based fighting system. I didn't want to do a martial art. I had done karate when I was eight, and I couldn't connect reality to it. I was in a karate lesson, and it didn't go out of the lesson. When I was doing Krav, it was all about when you're in the street and when someone comes up to you. It seemed more practical, so I chose Krav.

There are several institutes across the world offering it's Training classes. A professionally run training class will have a team of qualified instructors who have been Krav-Maga certified from Security Industry Authority (SIA). The certification entitles that the person is capable of imparting the right training to the aspirants. The qualification and experience of the trainer is of foremost value considering the vulnerable nature of the course. A professionally qualified trainer can educate his/her wards about the pros and cons of different types of strikes as well as make them aware of the potential dangers that would confront them while practicing such techniques. This knowledge can be acquired only through practice and years of experience in the discipline. It's techniques are taught at different levels of hierarchy. White belt is being the lowest in the rank & black belt is being the highest in rank.

Also, realize that many martial arts centers have KM classes, but may not have "Krav Maga" in the name of their school. Fitness clubs or gyms may have KM classes as part of their programs as well.Another good resource for KM schools are the association web sites. Check out Krav Maga Association of America and look under "locations." You will find over 240 training centers across the country. You can also do a similar search at the Krav Maga Federation site. And the Worldwide Directory of these Clubs has an excellent listing of classes and studios.

Make sure that you need to learn the skills to both neutralize the opponent while also preparing themselves to fight fiercely. This training is highly useful for people aspiring to become security personnel or body is a self defense system developed and used by the Israeli elite military unit. This martial art covers striking, wrestling and grappling techniques.

Krav Mag a Self Defence system which originated in Israel. It is the official tactical combat system of the Israeli Army. The name roughly translates to 'Close Combat' all Israeli Army Recruits including Women, receive basic Training in Krav Maga.Krav Maga emphasis the use of the body's instinctive reactions, the kind of moves the body makes under pressure. This instinctive moves evolved as basic survival skills. These moves operate below or consciousness so are the fastest responses we can have, it's techniques and counter assault moves on these instinctive responses meaning our self defence response is the fastest it can be.It may well be the most suitable self defence system for women, as it was developed by the Israeli Army which is one of the few armies which conscripts. Because of this it developed it had a very strong emphasis on ensuring the techniques and moves were built from the ground up to be practical for female soldiers.

What Do You Think Are The Most Important Elements To Being Successful? Drive. As long as you're driven to do it, and you put your mind towards it. Go for it. Give it a go. There is nothing stopping you. If you want something to stop you, you'll come up with the excuse. If you want to do it, you'll come up with a way to do it.What Are Your Future Plans? At the moment, I plan to pass my driving test and try to teach Krav for as long as possible, even try and get it to be a bit bigger in the area. Since I seem to have a very good business going on at the moment, I am going to try and improve on that.Interview By Oliver J R Cooper,I had seen Raphael in a few pictures, but this didn't fill my mind with too many impressions. As I had met three martial artists already, I was curious as to what this Krav Maga instructor would be like.

Is There an Age Limit? The System is designed for the life or death situations, as a result the defence techniques, training drills and are very adult in nature. It should not be confused with sports based martial arts which parents often seek to enroll their children in to build basic self defence and confidence skills. In general course participants must be over eighteen, however exceptions can be made in particular circumstancesIs it good for fitness.Classes can be a great workout. The training philosophy is that being fit is part of your self defence strategy. Classes generally begin with a ten to fifteen minutes warm up followed by lots of practical exercises and drills, classes usually finish with a high energy exercise designed to build the students ability to operate under pressure. All of this combines to make a Krav Maga class and ideal part of a fitness routine.Krav Maga is a modern approach to martial arts for Self Defence and Fitness, it's focus it to teach people how to protect themselves quickly in a professional environment and help with fitness.

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