Short Quotes With Explanation For Motivation And Success

By Shannon C. Raskin

Think about the very last time you passed a power laden thought or image through your mind. How did it make you feel? How did it influence what you then expected? Assumed? And sensed regarding possibilities existing for you (and what you could do to bring forth, or capitalize upon them)?Was this power laden (motivation) thought self generated? A result of something you heard on the radio or TV? A byproduct of something someone had told or suggested to you? Or did you read something that so inspired you that an idea unfolded in your mind that directly instigated an uplifting feeling of power within you?
[Motivational Quotes For Work]

"For every dark night there is a brighter day." -Tupac Shakur This short quote describes how we should take our life. Good time and bad time keeps on coming and going. There is always bright day after dark night. So you should be optimistic and think the positive side. After your hard work, success is bound to come. So never give-up and keep on putting your best.

As an aid to you doing this, following are 20 of my most life impacting power motivation quotes and sayings. Let each fill you. Let each inspire you. Let each serve to directly emotionally fuel you toward striking personal advance!Without doubt, you can reach levels you never have before.Without doubt -- you can convert the word 'wish' into fact.Let yourself get this awareness...without doubt!"Just because you haven't done something yet doesn't mean you can't;it just means you haven't...yet."You can 'hope' others will extend themselves to you to help you along your way -or, you can choose to become a self reliant initiator -- and get your OWN life done!"Depending upon your state of mind, struggle can convert into suffering, or into education ...The former occurs when you see no way out - The latter occurs when you see that experience gleaned from the demand - from the process - IS

the way out!" Why just ask for one apple - ask for the whole tree!" The next time someone lets you 'down' - lift yourself back up .Take the time and energy you'd have spent on berating,chastising, and 'hammering' the one who let you 'down'-and spend it instead on the uplift...of you.Get it done, and get it done by your SELF -For you are someone you can always depend on!"You may not be as powerful as you ultimately want to be .But you're certainly strong enough -- right Now! When something you mistakenly did produces a result that you never would have expected - a seemingly 'unexplainable',and positive result that surprised, indeed, delighted you -

moment puts you I the best place for the next moment.Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.I always knew I was destined for greatness.Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.These are only some of Oprah's take on happiness, success, failure, and self-improvement. Write down the quotes that you find most applicable to your situation and try to use them as daily reminders. In no time, you will be surprised that you have already made a habit out of it.

If you choose the action - you invite the consequence.Everything you do produces results - Therefore, think before you act,so you invest your life into what will produce positive, and beneficial results .Otherwise, you'll just remain a slave to habit - imprisoned within ignorance!"Honoring your deservedness is the beginning of living."If you keep waiting for the 'perfect', or exact 'right' time to take action -chances are you never will .Now is the right time, my friend; Now.Waiting means evading; it's time you 'jumped into the pool',and started 'swimming' already -- Isn't it!"The future is going to happen with you, or without you;you might as well determine to be part of the 'scene' -Yes -- a good, meaningful, and satisfied part!"When a tree bears fruit, it offers you life --sustenance that will nourish if you chew, munch, or lick it .But you have only your self to blame, if you remain unfulfilled and hungry

because you weren't bold enough to go right up to the fruit...and then pick it!"You Will Find In Your World What You TRULY Expect "When you look out upon life, what do you perceive awaits you?A world of opportunity, cooperation, and well meaning,well intentioned interactions and involvements?Or, one of antagonism and disinterest -- indeed, where intentional harassment will find you, and do its 'best' to undermine and tear you down? Chances are you will find what you look for -what deep in your heart you believe - and expect - exists world - your world - is a mirror of your soul;if you were to change your perceptions so life could begin to work for you,how would you? And, what do you think would happen...if you did? Sometimes, it's very good to wonder.Be bold - or be un-fulfilled! The Elements And The Oak

"The developing oak tree does not feign from the thunder and lighting,or from the intense wind and rainstorms .It uses and allows these elements to shape and mold its very character,its resiliency, and further cultivate its evolving strength .For ultimately the oak tree knows it will continue to grow - bigger and stronger.And in large part, through the influence and impact of the elements it faces ultimately it will become Mighty.Then, in the midst of any element, it has no fear or knows it can withstand - and stay strong and immovable .in relation to any force of nature that might project itself upon it .It remains an individual, with its own unique power and capacity to face up.brace up, and stand indomitably strong in the face of any and every element.It views not the elements as its 'enemy' or 'oppressor', but as the molders and shapers

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