How To Be Successful - On Achieving Success

By William R. Givens

All of us as human beings have been taught "from the cradle on" about how the real world operates, and we are "told" that this reality exists independent from our own ideas of it. Would it surprise you if you learned that after your own death one day this was not true? What if there was "more to the story?" Would it change things for you if you learned that the life you had, was the one you created for yourself out of the ideas in your head? Would you continue to accept your version of reality as being unchangeable because of the ideas handed down or given to you, and for the remainder of your life? If you knew this to be true, would it make any difference in how you would choose to create and live the life you call your own?
Learn More On [How To Be Successful]

Define your idea of success Everyone has a different idea on the definition of success. You need to have your ideologies straightened out to plan your goals. Your idea of success is not a goal let's be clear. Your idea of success is your visualization of what it is that makes someone successful. For example, my idea of success is self growth and experience. I believe with these things, I can become the best person possible over time. With that said, I now plan out my goal.Obviously, there are two types of goals: Long and short term. Goals are a must. I think of them as checkpoints and once you complete them, they are behind you. You just keep looking forward.I believe this one to be the more important of the two for one reason: confidence/reassurance. The correct way to have a short term goal is to make it for a short time. I would say daily. I would write down a list of what you need to do that relates towards your long term goal. As the days, weeks, months go by, you will look back on that list and see day after day that items are crossed off your list. Nothing is stronger than visually seeing forward process by looking at your to do list being completed day after day.

Remember, it is really good for you to know what success is for you so you can begin to make it a reality for you right away, if you are going the wrong way, you may change direction, or you may just need to make some minor adjustment, or if you've already figured it out then you're already on your way. Being on the way to success is successful in itself.

Let me say this another way. No matter what the results you may find yourself experiencing of your attempted creations, know that it is all good. Why? Because it will teach you something about yourself and life that you will need when you get where it is you are attempting to go. Therefore, do not wait. Right now today, take a developmental step forward in a new direction in your life. From the outside, it may appear that you are doing the same things, but from within, something is different now. You are serving notice to your inner self that you are working on developing your life forward in the direction of the life of greatness you came here to have.If you care about yourself, and if you care about any loved ones in your life, then rise up to the challenge of what you came here to do. You did not come here to have a life that is average and ordinary. You came here to challenge yourself to grow beyond the ideas of yourself and the world around you to create a life of greatness (so that we all may benefit from that.)

My father is one of the wisest men I had the pleasure to be around. His famous phrase was "Don't tell me what you're going to do, show me what you've done." He drilled this into my head so much that I wouldn't tell him my short term goals anymore. Instead, I showed him the results of having them. I never told him when I got a job, great grades, or a girlfriend. I only showed him that I got the raise at the job, the degree at school, and the anniversary of the relationship. Everyone talks. It's time to separate yourself from the crowd and start doing. Show people your capabilities. Challenge yourself. That is what life is about.The problem with a lot of younger people is they want things now. I was one of those people trying to find the fastest way to get what I want. Everything takes time. In fact, you should take your time anyway and enjoy the journey. You will grow and learn a lot about yourself if you grind through a long road of obstacles instead of trying cut corners and cheat your way to success. Ask anyone 30+ years old and they will tell you everything from getting over a heartbreak to getting a six digit salary will take some time.

Of course, there are more techniques and tools you can use to make your journey simpler, techniques that pertain to the mind. If you lack focus, have trouble with procrastination, lack motivation or get bored easily, there are solutions for such issues.

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