How To Build Self Confidence With Affirmations

By Allen S. Fox

This question was asked of me recently when I was recounting my journey from a shy, quiet, and socially awkward boy to an outgoing, fun-loving, and confident man. It occurred to me that while I had figured out how to nurture my own self-confidence, others are struggling with theirs every day. I don't like this at all.Everyone deserves to be self-confident and happy with themselves. You live with your perception of yourself 24/7 and it pervades every aspect of your life. If you are unhappy with yourself then it will manifest across your life - jobs that you hate, relationships that are no good for you, and friends that aren't very good friends.
[How To Build Self Confidence]

The first step in achieving such self-efficacy is changing the way you think. Start thinking positively. People who have a low self-confidence are the ones who think "low" of themselves. Control your views about yourself and accentuate the positive. Being optimistic would likewise help. Remember, whatever you perceived yourself to be, it will come to life. If you think of yourself as a very timid and shy person, then you will be one. If you are awfully afraid to commit mistakes, then you will definitely make a ton of them. Try foreseeing yourself appropriately dressed up, comfortably standing behind a lectern with a microphone properly held in your hand, uttering the words correctly within the right tone and volume of voice, and executing significant gestures with your other hand in front of a crowd that is so attentive, convinced, and satisfied. You are the master of your thoughts, steer it in a way that would help you be confident and successful.

Affirmations are about both of these - reminding yourself of your existing positive traits but also encouraging personal growth towards developing new behaviours.Tips for writing your own affirmations.Target all aspects of yourself - physical, personality, relationships, leadership etc.They must be uplifting - you must finish reading them with a big smile on your face.Be ultra-positive, even if you don't 100% believe it at the time.No negative words, even if they are double negatives (e.g. "I am beautiful" is much better than "I am not ugly"),Repeat them to yourself in the mirror - tell yourself how great you are.Read them to yourself every single day (preferably twice a day)

Now, realize your strengths and capabilities; look back to your achievements. Highlight your strengths. Perhaps it would help if you jot down all the things you have accomplished, the successes you have earned, be it very small or great ones. It could be a medal or trophy from high school, or as simple as a "good job" from a teacher or a friend. Write down the good qualities in you; the things other people say you are good at. It could be in the field of sports, culinary, music, leadership, time management, housekeeping, gardening, teaching, or as simple as making friends. Note it all down and you will be surprised how long your list would be.

Why should you build self-confidence from the inside? The reason is that anything you build should have a foundation, and the foundation of who you are come from the inside of you. It is in the depth inside of you that you can find the real you. When you are confident about the real you it is much easier to bring out your confidence in the outer world.

Journalism English and Writing Skills provides educational materials on Campus Journalism, Writing, the four English skills namely Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Listening.If you are reading this, it's because you want to know how to build self confidence. There are in fact a multitude of ways to build up your confidence. You will surely find a number of tips and techniques on the web all talking about boosting your confidence. Today, however, I want to focus on just one very powerful way you can build your confidence up.

This technique needs no special knowledge, no costly self help programs or special device. All this technique calls for is your willingness to grow your confidence and an open mind. What is this technique that I speak of? It is self affirmations.What is a self affirmation, you ask? It is simply a positive statement that you say to yourself on a regular basis. WHAT? O.K. don't get all excited. This really does work. Let me explain how.

Know Yourself.Step one - take the time to get to know yourself inside out, to start the process of learning how to build self confidence. A lack of self confidence is often caused by taking the opinions of others to heart, and allowing your self-worth to be determined by your situation. Develop a method that will allow you to tune out distractions and focus on your inner dialogue. One way to do this is by writing down your thoughts, and in the process deciding what is most important to you. You will realize, as you are doing this, that learning how to build self confidence is often a matter of self-discovery rather than one of changing yourself. Many people also find that doing research on how the body and mind works, and thereby understanding the science and complexities of the mind, very helpful. Thereby you gain a much deeper awareness of who you truly are. You should also find it much easier to complete the nest step in building self confidence.

Exercise Self Control.Step two - develop the ability to control your thoughts and inner dialogue, to continue the very satisfying process of learning how to build self confidence. Developing self control is essential, and it can only be developed through deliberate mental training - similar to become more physically fit by physical training and exercise. People often fail to develop self control because they mistakenly regard it as limiting their freedom. The truth is exactly the opposite. By exercising more control over your actions and thoughts, you can draw on this to help you achieve more of what you want in your life.

Examples of self affirmations.I am confident in all that I do.When I look in the mirror, I see a confident able person looking back at me.I set achievable goals and I reach them easily.I am good at my job and others readily acknowledge this fact.I move confidently in the direction of my dreams.I look and feel great.I am strong and confident and I learn from my mistakes.I give and receive love freely.I am grateful for all the many blessings in my life and I have lots of them.I am confident in my ability to treat others with respect and in return, they treat me with respect.The above is just a short list of affirmations you can use to boost your confidence. You can use one of these affirmations I have provided here in this article or you can create your own. Just remember when you create your own affirmations, they need to be stated in the present tense and they need to be made with positive language.This article only addresses how to build self confidence using affirmations. There are plenty of other ways to build up your confidence. Affirmations are surely one very powerful way and should be included in any efforts for building your confidence, but remember there are several things you can do to build up your confidence.

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