How Positive Affirmation Can Produce Beneficial Change

By Adrian M. Felton

You've read all the self-help books: Attitude is everything! Change your perspective! Have a positive outlook! Can these ideas really change your future? And if so, how? In my childhood and adolescence, I was skeptical. Let's fact it, if my brother was born without being able to walk, how could my attitude or outlook change anything?As I got older I continued to reflect on a youth seemingly filled with disappointments and doubts. In talking to my friends and family, I realized I wasn't alone, we've all experienced them. Then, I started taking a good, long look at myself and my feelings. I realized that my deepest feelings were the ones guiding me forward, challenging me to reach to the depth of what I was able to feel - happy or sad. In the end, these feelings allowed me to explore all dimensions of my being.
[Positive Affirmations]

Affirmation on the other hand will make those subconscious thoughts conscious because you will be aware of them. And, when you start thinking conscious positive thoughts, you will be more aware which negative thoughts are threatening to take over. This is because we create what we think.This is an interesting phenomenon because if you're not aware of your negative thoughts, it could be sabotaging for you. Ninety percent of what you are thinking about gets carried over the next day's 52,000 thoughts so if you're thinking negative, you are bound to think negative thoughts and will never get you out of your rut. And yet, since affirmation means saying something positively, your statements will assert what you want to be true and change your mind set.

Affirmations are different. They allow you to reveal the secret, powerful, depths of yourself and care for your being by affirming what is there. Do you feel a calling toward a particular feeling you have been having? Is there something in your life that you need and desire to manifest? If you can use your mind's eye to creatively visualize, you can bring forward all that you desire.

How? Simply affirm that is already here.Creating Affirmations.The key to the success of an affirmation is its potential or the potentiality of your creative thought. The laws of the universe will respond then not to your asking for what you wish, but rather your affirmation that it is already here. Look at these statements:

Get clear and get motivated. The clearer your visions and the greater the motivation, the better your chances will be of success in achieving your goals. Get all the components of your ideal life down on paper and be bold in your dreams - amass a mountain of reasons about why you must accomplish your goals; write down all of what it will cost you if you don't pursue your vision and all the joy that will result from their achievement. Put your goals and reasons in point form on a 3" x 5" recipe card and read it often; before bed, upon waking and throughout the day. Create affirmations that show these goals and capture the zest of your motivations, and move yourself towards your goals with a plan to realize it. Take any and all action that you think will take you a step closer to what you desire.And let go of "how" it's going to happen; that's out of your jurisdiction so don't waste any time fretting, worrying or stewing about "how" or "what if" - your Higher Power has your back so learn to trust, go with the flow and enjoy the ride!

I am abundant! I am loved.Applying An Affirmation.Make the laws of affirmation work in your life. Let's focus for a moment on the "word" aspect of this equation. The words I am are a very powerful tool. "I AM" tells the universe to put the wheels of energy in motion. These two words trigger the universe and let it know you are ready to receive your prayer.

Can you see the importance of this process? I AM Beautiful.Therefore, if I write this statement on an index card and place it in my pocket or write it several times in my notebook then say it out loud to myself, what happens? Soon I manifest beauty! I begin to believe what I have written and translate it into a feeling.

It is important to realize that all things exist in some form. The money you need is out there. The perfect person you wish you could spend your whole life with is somewhere, just waiting to meet you. The tools you need for learning exist, and so do the people you need to meet. When you stop to think about this, it makes the idea of lack seem utterly preposterous.In order to use affirmations properly, it is important to know what you want. Spend some time thinking about your desires and work on framing your affirmative statements in a manner that will be most powerful. Do not use any negating statements that talk about what you do not wish to have. Think and speak in completely positive terms.

Once you have framed your affirmative statement, it is time to put it into action. Think, feel, and speak your intention. Here are some of the best ways to do this,"All the good in the universe is mine." "I have everything I need, and I am completely grateful for all I have." "I am more happy than I have ever been, especially now that (fill in your desire here.)" As you use the positive affirmations that you come up with, picture yourself enjoying whatever it is that you require. Feel yourself enjoying what you have, and believe it is on its way to you. Soon enough, you'll see changes large and small making their way into your life.

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