Will I Ever Find Love Again

By Julia A. Depp

You are not alone in this. We all struggle with this at some point or another. I think yes you can find love again. Something I want to point out here. If you haven't found it yet, does it make sense to keep doing what you have done in the past. Have you stepped outside of your box to find love. What I mean is have you tried different approaches, different mindsets or ideas to find love.
[Will I Ever Find Love]

You can find it again, trust me on that one. I know, it may not seem that way right now, but you will be able to find a woman to love again. What you first have to do is to get over the pain that you are feeling right now over the woman you have lost. You have to remind yourself that all it really means is that you are no longer with someone with whom you can't make a relationship work and if you learn the right attraction skills, you can replace her with someone who is better for you in the long run.

That doesn't always mean that it is going to be easy. It doesn't mean that you are going to just forget about her or that you are not going to have moments where you feel like you want her back in your life. All it means is that you have to keep your eyes on the reality that you can find someone else.

So what really is the problem? Are you too ugly? No way! Way more physically challenged people than you have managed to find love!:) Do you have a bad job? Do you smoke? Do you drive a crappy car? Are you too poor? Are you too tall, short, wide, thin?! Are you too successful or not successful enough? Do you stutter? Are you an amputee? Is your skin bad? Do you have a funny accent or a lisp? And the reasons people give themselves for not being able to find love goes on and on and on. The thing is that all the "reasons" above plus the thousands more are all DEAD WRONG! Yep! Every single one of them.Unless you are the only one on a deserted island or in some other solitary confinement there is only one reason why you are yet to find love! You are not emotionally open to finding love. Simple as that.

All the crazy, unattractive, messed up, still living with their parents at 35, no job, mean spirited, buck toothed, long working hours, stuttering people and worse that have found love, have done so because they loved themselves and opened themselves up fully to the power of being loved.This one magical state attracts love like you could never believe! Love is attracted to love. At our most primal level, we know in our hearts that once you are tuned in to your own ability to feel positively toward others, you will find someone special. This creates an intimate connection with the rest of the human race that allows and sometimes beckons others to gravitate toward us.

Now she is saying, "Hey, what about me? Am I ever going to find love?" Sound familiar? The angels of Liberation want to guide you. "Are you feeling liberated? Or are you feeling trapped and seeking liberation? The angels of Liberation carry the qualities of devotion, humility and glory, all of which come with the experience of unconditional love. Love liberates you from limiting beliefs and hardness of heart, allowing your soul to stand triumphant and in glory. "Where do these angels guide you? Is it time in your life to dance in celebration of your freedom from a difficult situation or from an old behavior that no longer captures you? Then let the light pour in, radiating in every part of your soul.

However, It is not always that easy to just turn on the love and live with "an attitude of gratitude" is it? You need to be able to clear away all the negative thoughts, patterns and beliefs that you already have and replace them with the exact opposite. That is where the amazing technology of brain entrainment comes in.With binaural beats and isochronic tones, these spectacular recordings alter your consciousness and stimulate your brain using deep Theta and Alpha states that put your conscious and subconscious mind into such states that ensure your mind, body and spirit is ready to find love.To answer the original question "Will I ever find love?" Yes. You can.

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