Break Porn Addiction Before It Breaks You

By Zeynel Bakema

One thing for sure is that when those porn sites are tempting you with their enticing devices they are not telling you that pornography is really harmful. Yes, indeed, when young men are being tempted for one reason or another by sexually enticing sites or even other forms of pornography they are not consciously aware of the harmful effects of such activities. However, they usually find that out the hard way. If you are one of the victims of porn you need to know how to break the porn addiction before it's too late. If you don't break the porn addiction it will break you.[
[Break Porn Addiction]

Admit you have a problem. Breaking porn addiction starts with the admission that you are addicted to pornography. Some people would claim that they are just like regular people watching pornography. But if you see that this activity is getting in the way of performing daily tasks or maintaining a good relationship with your partner, you have to admit that there is a problem. Once you do, that would be the start of solving it. Analyze your addiction. Determine what kind of gratification you derive from indulging in pornography. Do you need it to escape the pains of your life? Do you need to boost your self-esteem? Do you want to engage in porn-viewing because you have nothing else better to do? Getting down to the root cause will help you break the habit more effectively.

Get rid of pornographic materials. This would be one of the most difficult things that you ever have to do to stop porn addiction. Throw away stashed pornographic magazines, posters, and reading materials. Block your computer using filtering software that will prevent the entry of explicit material in your computer. Have a friend or family install the software so you will not be able to disable it when you feel tempted. Join a support group. Knowing that you are not in this alone is a good way to help you curb this addiction. At first, you may feel uncomfortable discussing your problems to other people but once you open up, you will feel very relieved. Therapists and group members would all help you by sharing with you practical strategies on how to break porn addiction.

Take on new hobbies. Some people resort to pornography because they have nothing else better to do. This is why, it is important to keep yourself busy doing things that you love to do, so that you keep your mind off pornographic things.Reward yourself. As you go on the process of stopping porn addiction, you will find it helpful to reward yourself for resisting temptations to backslide. This will reinforce proper behavior and help you get rid of your addiction completely in no time.Catch up with old friends, meet new people. People who are addicted to pornography shut themselves off from the outside world. To counteract this, go out, have fun, meet new people, and catch up with some old friends.Breaking any addiction is a complex process that involves understanding and action and how to break a porn addiction is just the same!While this may seem simplistic lets look and see how important each one is and how they fail without each other.

Now in response to that, what you can do to get the necessary help how to break porn addiction is find a guide online such as this one. By doing so, you can stay completely anonymous and no one will know that you had any form of porn addiction. This will insure that you can get over it once and for all still hide your identity, so don't wait.

Understanding helps you take a bottom up approach to overcoming porn addiction. This means you must first understand what your addiction is, how it is damaging your life and those around you and of course understanding you do actually have a serious problem.Following this you must delve deeper into your psychological problems and investigate and understand the root causes of your addiction be it low self esteem, a warped view of women and sex or problems within your marriage perhaps? There are so many reasons and everyone is different so it must be you who comes to the final realization.

Armed with this knowledge you can take on these causes and find ways to come to terms with them and eliminate them from your life making you a stronger person and killing the weed at its base.However, some people have an uncanny ability to over think things and investigate and understand but never get around to actually taking action! Nothing amount of soul searching will actually help you quit unless you have the will to take positive actions not only against the top down aspects mentioned but against the root problems which are a lot harder.

It is important that the program you choose provides guided instruction to help you get at the root of any unwanted memories that may have been swept under the rug. A reframing of these pains will help you gain confidence to face life's inevitable trials.

Breaking a porn addiction will involve coming to a greater awareness of the process and progression of addiction. How the mind works is a topic that is receiving much more attention these days. A basic knowledge of what's going on upstairs can really allow you to cut yourself some needed slack and to realize that your mind is working against you. Understanding the brain's role in your addiction will also let you know how to use it to your good and how to break free from the cold clutches of pornography.

Now there are many negative effects associated to porn addiction. There are things such as desensitization of an individual, loss of confidence, strong appetite for pornographic content, loss of sexual drive towards their partner and strong regrets because it is against their religious beliefs. It can also lead to committing acts such as masturbation, use of prostitutes, one night stands, going out to strips club and can lead ultimately to divorces, break ups and serious psychological problems. That is why it is a serious matter that cannot be taken lightly.Now there are a few places where you can find help to break porn addiction. There are a few guides you can find online for a few dollars which is well worth the investment. These guide will give all the necessary plans to follow as well as the advice and steps to break porn addiction just like most social services would do so. The difference however is that by getting one of these guides instead of actually joining a social or religious club, you can hide your identity and you can stay anonymous without anyone knowing you ever had any form of addiction.

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