Best Meditation Methods

By Carolina Carvalho Goncalves

Are you interested to do meditation but do not know where to start? Don't worry because there are definitely a few easy steps as to how you can go about doing meditation. As a matter of fact, these easy to do tips are so simple that you do not necessarily need assistance of an expert if you follow it carefully.For a long time now, meditation has been used by many for a variety of reasons. In the old times, meditation was a way of communicating with the Buddha or achieve a higher level of consciousness because the practice of meditation first started with the ancient Buddhists. Meditation was not just a way of relieving oneself from stress but more of actually being able to keep the balance in one's self and exercising the mind to concentrate and focus. For beginners who do not know what to do when meditating there are a few tips they can make use of.
[Best Meditation]

Sometimes knowing how others have benefited can help you either to decide when to meditate or to decide what times of day to experiment with meditating. When working one-on-one with individuals, they often ask my advice about the best time to meditate. When I know something about their lifestyle and I tune in to them energetically, I can give specific recommendations. However, when writing an article that a variety of people will read, I need to approach it in a different way. So, here are some considerations.

My best time is 4:00 am. When I awake naturally at that time, I meditate. It is a joyful time, quiet, peaceful, even the birds are still. I love that time because my mind is not filled with thoughts from the day swirling in my head. Since I have just come out of sleep, I am in a state of non-resistance and peace. Typically, I meditate for 15-30 minutes, sometimes longer. Then I decide if I am up for the day or if I want to return to sleep. If I have not meditated at 4:00 am, then I often will meditate before the day's activities.

Whenever a person is having trouble with focus or concentration, as they meditate, the number of random thoughts occurring slowly diminishes, as does a person's attachment to these thoughts, and your identification with them. This happens because we are usually not aware of all the mental activity that we are generally engaged in. Meditation helps to allow the mind's activity to settle down, resulting in you becoming more calm and focused.

In the afternoon around 5:00 is another time of the day that I often meditate. In most of our culture, that is the end of the "work day." However, as an entrepreneur, I rarely stop work at that time, but I do like to take a break. When the break is meditation, I go from my office to the living room in my house and sit in one of the two chairs that I bought specifically for meditation.

According to health experts, the following physiological effects of meditation have been documented in individuals who practice this time-tested technique, and among these are reduced blood pressure, lower pulse rate, decreased metabolic rate and changes in the concentration of serum levels of various substances. If a person meditates frequently, they will, in the long run, find out that they gain a deeper understanding and insight, of themselves.

Rosemary. This soothing herbal concoction can help ward off headaches. This fragrant spice-shelf herb is not only good for perking up roasts and poultry, this can also help prevent certain kinds of stress-induced headaches. Since rosemary helps keep blood vessels dilated, it can prevent headaches caused by vasoconstriction, wherein blood vessels narrow. For preparing a tea, use 1 teaspoon of dried rosemary per cup of boiling water.

Not all meditation requires sitting in a chair. So, jogging is meditation for some; swimming for others; gardening for others. Find an activity that helps you to tune into the Divine aspect of you, and whenever the time is right for that activity, is the right time to meditate for you.3:00 in the afternoon is often a time in the day when people need a break; in the workplace, it is often a giddy time when people need to shake or laugh or yell. Right after that can be an optimal time for some to sit quietly for a few minutes.

You may find that you have a best time of day when you are learning to meditate that is a different best time of day when you are an experienced meditator. When you are just learning to meditate, it is helpful to have optimal conditions -- a quiet place with no interruptions. After you have experienced some benefits of meditating, you will not need to create the ideal situation because you will be committed on a different level. Many people meditate on planes and trains or other noisy places.

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