Break The Fear Of Public Speaking

By Harold C. Rehm

Speaking in public is at the top of the list! A normal physical reaction to having to speak in public is a release of adrenaline and cortisol into your system.Even experienced speakers feel their heart thumping very excitedly indeed. This astounding reaction to speaking in public is certainly not only felt by novices, even some of the great professional actors and entertainers suffer with real physical sickness before they take to the stage or podium.
[Fear Of Public Speaking]

I spent hours on the telephone with her over several months helping her overcome these fears, as best I could, and toward the end of the semester she called to say, "Dad, I gave my last speech today and everybody told me, including my instructor, what a good job I did. You know what?" "What?" I asked. "I love talking about nutrition," which is what her final speech was about -- eating to be healthy rather than putting "packing material" into your stomach.

Therefore, improving the confidence and capability to give good presentations, and to stand up in front of an audience and speak well, are also tremendously helpful competencies for self-development too.Presentations and public speaking skills are not limited to specially gifted people - anyone can give a good presentation, or perform public speaking professionally and impressively. Like most things, it simply takes a preparation and practice to improve your skills and abilities.

As I mentioned previously: you are not alone if the thought of speaking in public scares you. Giving a presentation is worrying for many people. As we saw before, presenting or speaking to an audience regularly tops the list in surveys of people's top fears - more than heights, flying or dying.As an illustration, I quote two popular sayings which feature in many presentations about giving presentations and public speaking:

At that moment I felt the determination swelling up in my chest. This was going to be a semester of terror and I just couldn't allow myself to live through that. At that moment I vowed I would cure my Public Speaking anxiety before my next speech. I did not know how I was going to make it happen, but I knew I had no other choice.I remember being in a marketing class where a guy dropped out of school because he had to do a presentation. If you are failing in a class or denying a promotion at work because you suffer public speaking nervousness, then contact me. My determination to find a solution to my public speaking anxiety was rewarded that same weekend I made my vow. By the following weekend I had cured my public speaking anxiety completely. Yes, 100%.

One way to overcome your fear is to use an activity to break down your fear into controllable components. It's simple to do and it really works!Here is an easy exercise you can do if you, like so many others, have a fear of speaking.Tell yourself exactly what you are afraid of."I am frightened to speak in front of a large group."

Explain to yourself why you are afraid."I am afraid because I think everyone will laugh at me." ,"I am afraid something will go wrong."Tell yourself why you shouldn't be afraid. "I have never seen a speaker get laughed off the stage.", "No one has ever laughed at me during my earlier presentations.","If something does go wrong, I can put it right."Close with positive thoughts about yourself."I am a intelligent and well-prepared person.","I can give a solid presentation and make a good impression on my audience."

Here are a few public speaking tips, and only a few of many, I've picked up throughout the years. There are basically four parts to a speech:The introduction. It should be tailored to the audience you're facing and each audience, in different cities, will not be the same as the one you've just spoken to. Your task is to create interest, from the beginning, so your audience will want to listen to what you're about to say. Your introductory remarks can help you establish a common ground with them and to, hopefully, gain their favor.Your specific purpose statement,short, sweet, brief; it's the road sign that tells your audience what this speech is about and why you're giving it. Like the center beam of a home, your specific purpose statement should be firmly planted and from it you build a logical framework for the central structure or body of your speech that's yet to come. Your specific purpose statement is designed "to build a bridge from the heart of your purpose to the little island of your audience's interests," is the way a writer once phrased it.

The body of your speech,you organize your examples, quotes, facts, and statistics toward the response you desire. The body is where you present your points and proofs, making sure they all connect and move forward and connect to your concluding remarks.The conclusion of your speech is, I believe, one of its more strategic elements. If well-handled it will be remembered and you will leave your audience with a lasting impression.

REMEMBER,PUBLIC SPEAKING AND PRESENTATIONS ARE JUST ONE FORM OF COMMUNICATION AND YOU COMMUNICATE ALREADY EVERY DAY!You can do it!Would you like a more satisfying and rewarding life? Are you looking to get a great job? Or do you have important choices to make about your future? Then I invite you to explore this web site.I am passionate about helping people create and live rewarding, purposeful and happy lives. I offer practical and creative services to assist you in finding solutions for your career and personal wellbeing. I provide services that cover a great variety of issues and offer diverse range of approaches.

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