Top 5 Psychological Anxiety Symptoms In Women

By Emmeline Leclerc

Anxiety symptoms in women can be varied depending on the intensity of the episode. You can find both psychological and physical symptoms. Both the symptoms have its own effects and can affect the person terribly. The level of the anxiety might be slight or severe, one has to understand the symptoms in order to overcome the medical condition. Find the top 9 physical anxiety symptoms in women.
[Anxiety Symptoms In Women]

Anxiety symptoms in women are more common in women than in men. Women are prone to anxiety due to the various alternations in sex hormones. Here you can find the top 5 psychological anxiety symptoms in women.Obsession.This is one of the common psychological symptoms faced by women who suffer from anxiety. They worry about anything and everything starting from futile things to big problems. This habit may seem to be a simple issue but it is very difficult to handle. One will worry even for unnecessary problems.

Depression.Most of the women experiencing anxiety will suffer from depression. Depression can make them feel dejected, hopeless and can make them detached from the surroundings. Though depression and anxiety are considered as two opposites, they often come together. Depression leaves the individual with deep sadness and helplessness and does not allow them to perform their day to day activities.Restlessness.Feeling anxious can change you restless. Restlessness will not allow the individual to sit or relax. You will always be indulging in something without knowing what it is. People with this symptom will find difficult to complete any given task.

Heredity factor.This is a well known cause for anxiety symptoms in women. When any of your parent or grandparent suffer from this medical condition you are more likely to get affected by this disorder. When this condition runs among families, woman should be cautious and take preventive steps to stay away from these symptoms.Nutrition.Diet plays a critical role in anxiety. Lack of balanced diet lead to deficiencies which in turn causes anxiety. Women usually work round the clock and should eat properly to stay hale and healthy. They should include lots of fruits,vegetables, olive oil and foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids at the same time should avoid foods that cause anxiety such as refined sugars,salty foods and beverages high in caffeine

Psychological anxiety symptoms in women need to be attended immediately else will lead to threatening anxiety disorders. Women can stick to many natural techniques to reduce and to get rid of anxiety. Deep breathing methods, regular exercising, yoga, meditation and proper food habits are helpful to overcome this medical condition.Anxiety symptoms in women in the long run can cause serious health hazards. Psychological symptoms such as depression, worry, panic and physical symptoms such as sweating, shortness of breath, nausea and chest pain can increase if you leave the condition untreated. Though there are series of causes identified for this medical condition, the exact cause is still in debate. Allopathic medicines are available to treat this medical condition, however alternative medicines are also useful to get away with anxiety symptoms.

Here you can find few alternative treatments useful to treat anxiety symptoms in women: Acupuncture.This is an ancient Chinese practice where physician use needles to prick in the pressure point to stimulate the body's energy flow to treat anxiety symptoms in women. Acupuncture is one of the best alternative treatments for these symptoms. Acupuncture not only heals the medical condition but also identifies and treats the underlying cause of anxiety.

Social interaction,By going to the gym, you get the opportunity to meet lots of people. Simply introducing yourself and knowing details about others might make your mind relaxed. It improves your mood and gives you the chance to move in a new environment,Healthy lifestyle,Healthy lifestyle controls anxiety symptoms in women. Right diet and good sleep are very important to stay away from this medical condition. Lack of sleep,drinking excess alcohol and chain smoking are not good for this medical condition.

Stress and Relaxation techniques.Recent studies have revealed that relaxation techniques are good to treat panic and anxiety disorders. People who have developed anxiety under stressful situations have found relaxation technique useful. It is very effective but not as good as (CBT) Cognitive behavioral therapy.Gamma- aminobutyric acid (GABA).It is a type of amino acid that plays a pivotal role in controlling anxiety. Certain prescribed drugs for this medical condition acts on the GABA receptors in the brain. It is believed that GABA supplements can be ingested to heal anxiety but it is still not proved.Kava.This herb origin is south pacific and is considered effective to treat anxiety and mood disorders. Usage of this herb is harmless and shows positive signs in treating depression levels. Kava is also available in tablet forms for easy ingestion.Though these alternative treatments hold good for anxiety symptoms in women, it is advisable to consult your health practitioner for assistance. They would help you to handle the situation better.

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