How Does Creative Visualization Work?

By Wendy G. Ostrander

What Creative Visualization Is NOT! Before I reveal a couple of techniques that you can use to implement creative visualization in your everyday life allow me to first debunk a few of the common myths associated with it and then give you a bit of the history of creative visualization. First, creative visualization is not simply sitting back daydreaming and expecting money to show up in your mailbox. Secondly, it is not simply writing goals and fantasizing about them until the career you want will simply materialize. I can assure you that if you use that strategy in your career development there will eventually be an angry landlord taping an eviction notice to your door. And thirdly, creative visualization is not about imposing your mystical will upon another to receive the good you believe that you deserve. Force negates so to expect any good to come your way doing that is really futile.
Learn More About [Creative Visualization]

Are you curious about it? Read on. Enlisted below are several creative visualization techniques that you can follow and make that dream come true, as well! When thinking of something you want to have, be sure that it is a reachable goal. You will never reach it if it involves something really impossible, right? Impossible can mean things that do not really happen in real life, like being an individual with the superhuman strength of X-Men and aliens. Make specific goals that you know you can have in time.

Imagine And Visualize The Goal.It helps to think about the goal you have. Imagine the specifications of the goal. Make notes about it. Find out more about its different aspects. Visualize it. Make pictures of it on your walls and in your mind.Make a good plan that will help you get what you want. Think of possible ways to get it. A goal needs good planning in order to achieve it.

Enter the theatre of your mind and look upon the stage of your imagination. Begin to see yourself living the desired result and then step into your vision as if you are literally there. Engage as many of the senses as possible. If it's a new car you want imagine how you would look in it. How does the new leather smell? Feel the notches on the steering wheel. Do this for a few minutes, especially before you go to sleep at night. Once you get in the routine of doing this consistently you will begin to ACT in alignment with your vision and the manifestation will happen.

Rewrite and refine. Once you've got it down, it's time to shape your description into something closer to exactly what it is you want. This creative visualization technique is like taking a rough idea of what you want to say in a letter-to-the-editor and then converting it into a polished piece that's ready to mail. Refine your goal into a powerful paragraph that describes exactly what it is you want.

Let's endeavor to answer all of these - albeit in a brief article! I'll leave the issue of doing creative visualization "well" until the end because, of course, that's a subjective judgment. The more important issue at this stage is whether you can do it at all. I've heard so many people say that they cannot visualise. I'm always struck by the slight irony of this, because in order to make such a statement the person has to imagine, (that is picture themselves), not visualizing! However, that is not to make light of the complaint because anyone saying such a thing genuinely feels that to be their truth.

The problem, I believe, is that there is a tendency to feel that there is a "proper" way to do creative visualization -as if there was some test to pass, or that it's a kind of secret known only to a cult type brotherhood. Nothing, I'm delighted to tell you, could be further from the truth!

You couldn't even make a cup of coffee without imagining the steps involved in heating the water, adding the coffee grounds to the cup and so on. Not only that, but you wouldn't want the coffee in the first place unless you could imagine the taste and the feeling that seems, in that very moment, would be satisfied only by a cup of coffee! If thirst was the only problem, a glass of water would do much better!

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