The Truth About Attracting Abundance And Prosperity

By Zoe Smith

Let's see a show of hands-who wants to be poor? If you are raising your hand then you might as well Google on to another page, this site is not for you. I will venture to say around 99% of the world's population wants to be wealthy. Why else are there so many get rich quick books out in the market today? Now, there is nothing wrong with money. It's a good thing. However, if you don't have nearly enough in your life, you have to ask yourself what you're doing wrong. The goal is to know the best way of attracting abundance without compromising an excellent quality of life.

I'm sure you must have heard about the law of attraction. It is a universal principle that many individuals have applied to enrich themselves and give them a better quality of life.However, there are also a lot of people who have tried to apply this principle and failed miserably. Why? Is the law of attraction only reserved for the attractive (pun intended)? Of course not. This principle will work whoever you are, as long as you apply it correctly.

This means that some do it right, while some do so in error. Definitely nobody intentionally sets himself out to fail on this endeavor, but they do anyway. Find out what you can do to make this valuable law work to your advantage today.

First of all, understand that the law of attraction is undergirded by the law of vibration. Everything in the world is in motion-everything. Even as you stand still, your body is in constant vibratory action. Now there is perhaps nothing more powerful in sending out vibrations than your brain. It is an awesome electrical mechanism that sends out vibrations every moment of your life and these vibrations are what trigger the law of vibration.

What are these vibrations? These are your thoughts and emotions. As you think about wealth and hold the picture in your mind of your prosperity as if it has already manifested, you are transmitting a powerful vibration that is drawing the people and circumstances that will bring you that which you wish for. However, what many people fail to understand is that you should not stop at thinking- you must engage your emotions as well.

Many times people start with their abundance meditation forgetting to involve their emotions in the practice of it. Your emotions put the fuel into the vibrations you transmit. Your passion and excitement for the object of your desire will birth in you the commitment necessary to see it through regardless of what temporary setbacks may come your way. When you decide on it and expect your abundance and success to manifest, the universe will always respond to you in the proper time.

Now this is not only true for attracting abundance in the financial aspect, you can attract good fortune in your health and relationships as well. Don't stop at wishful thinking-put your whole heart into it! You will find yourself walking in your dreams before long.

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