Is Acupuncture For Anxiety Attacks Efficient?

By Jessica L. Davis

As a sufferer of anxiety and panic attacks I have tried almost every form of therapy exclusive of psychotropic drugs to help eliminate my panic attacks. If you suffer from panic disorder then we are both members of a group numbering in the millions, who have faced this health demon and are determined to find a solution.Recently, I tried acupuncture after a panic attack left me feeling out of control while driving to my wife's place of business, on a Los Angeles freeway.
[Acupuncture For Anxiety]

Acupuncture for anxiety involves placing needles in certain body points. These body points or pressure points can be located at specific parts all over a person's body. By accessing them, it allows the blocked energy from the passageways to open up. If these passageways are blocked, other parts of the body may be affected as well that causes stress. Stress on the other hand, attacks the body that causes muscles to tense up, blood pressure to rise and other physical symptoms can arise.

A classic acupuncture treatment takes one or two sessions. Sometimes, however, a treatment is required for a few months. The duration of a treatment differs upon the difficulty of the patterns of imbalance. Nutrients, herbs and vitamins are a great supplement to acupuncture in balancing and nourishing the body.Acupuncture for anxiety attacks is just right for those who prefer a natural and safe therapy. Consult a certified acupuncturist. He or she will help you to find out what the most appropriate remedy plan is for you.Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese treatment that has a wide variety of uses. It's been around for thousands of years and has been used to treat individuals suffering from back pain and other forms of pain, to improve fertility, relieve stress, and for other purposes.It works by inserting thin, sterile needles in certain points on the body, which practitioners believe helps to release positive energy, which in the process pushes out negative energy. Practitioners believe that a life force, called Qi, may become blocked due to trauma, stress, poor diet or lack of exercise, and may manifest in a variety of different ways. By unblocking this life energy, patients feel relief.

Anxiety and depression affect people around the world, and many seek treatment in a variety of forms from speaking with a therapist to prescription medication. Acupuncture has been helpful in addressing depression and anxiety, as it can be a good reliever of stress. It is intended to relax individuals throughout the treatment, which can have a positive effect on many individuals who are suffering from depression or anxiety.Acupuncture has even been used to treat individuals with a pulled muscle or back pain. It's treated those with arthritis, headaches and migraines, whiplash, sciatica, fractures, muscle tears, bruises, etc. Before you seek acupuncture for any injury or emotional disorder such as anxiety, post-partum depression, etc. speak with your doctor. Individuals may enjoy varying degrees of success with acupuncture, but many have reported success with a variety of conditions including infertility.

Chinese Herbs as a Complement to Acupuncture Therapy,The acupuncturist, was also a practitioner of Chinese medicine and gave me a combination of herbal combinations after a few weeks of treatments to help my body regain a natural, healthy physiological balance. If you try this approach, your practitioner of Chinese medicine may be able to recommend some herbs for you based upon your specific case.In conclusion my experiences with acupuncture therapy to reduce anxiety have been extraordinarily successful and I continue to enjoy the cumulative effects of additional acupuncture treatments to this day.If you suffer from panic or anxiety attacks then you may want to explore the natural healing capabilities of these ancient but very powerful therapies to help you end your attacks once and for all.

Acupuncture is an alternative medicine, which was practiced in China around five thousand years ago.Since physical health can also affect a person's emotions or mind, anxiety and depression could be the result. Without proper treatment and care, anxiety and depression may cause other serious physical sicknesses especially after some time. Even simple worries are classified as anxiety issues. Ones that are more serious are like post-traumatic stress and panic attacks. If a person suffers from chest pain, shortness of breath and a higher heart beat rate, these could be indications of anxiety.

In the case of acupuncture, one of the fire organs is the heart. Kidney is termed as a water organ. Both of them balance each other to keep a well-balanced energy flow in the body. A disturbed mind could be due to much heat. Excess of fire can cause heat. Many people who face anxiety have this heat problem.In relation to this, body or auricular acupuncture can be used to treat anxiety. Among the body organs, the liver is thought to play an important role for the distribution of vital energy or qi. An estimate of 20 percent of a country's population is thought to undergo depression at some juncture of their lives. When a person is depressed, he or she may feel extremely tired. A person may want to do something but he or she may feel the lack of energy to do so due to depression.

A number of studies have shown that acupuncture is a very effective treatment for anxiety, particularly for those that prescription medications have not worked. In fact it is so effective that a large number of doctors in the United States are incorporating acupuncture into their treatment of anxiety with great effect. It is believed that acupuncture will stimulate the energy in the body to bring about a greater peace of mind and help reduce anxiety levels. There is also a belief that acupuncture can help treat the causes of acupuncture particularly if it is caused by a lack of serotonin. It is believed that the process of acupuncture can help increase the serotonin levels in the body and as a result reduce the amount of anxiety felt.

Third eye point - this is the area between your eyebrows and bridge of your nose. Only a single needle is placed in this point and pressure applied is said to relieve nervousness.The chest is also another acupuncture point for anxiety. When you go for treatment, you will notice that needles will be placed on your chest. The area is said to have energy and can greatly be used in alleviating anxiety symptoms.Lower arm provides another acupuncture point in treating anxiety.Upper abdomen is another important point. Acupuncturists prefer as it is known to relieve anxiety.While undergoing treatment for anxiety using acupuncture, there are certain symptoms one can experience such as anger and agitation among others. You will also feel a rush. Lastly, it is possible to perform an acupuncture procedure on oneself when treating anxiety. The most important thing is to know the various acupuncture points for anxiety as mentioned above as this will go a long way in helping you treat anxiety.

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